Zed Broken into

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Waz, May 30, 2011.

  1. Waz

    Waz Member

    My Zed has been parked in my underground not so secure parking for sometime. I had left an amp in it, hidden underneath a couple of clothes. The car had nothing in it worth stealing. I have waited for some time to get the chance to get it back on the road as I really love this car and dont see myself driving anything else (been driving my LPG magna though cause I had to.) Yesterday we were going shopping me and the wife and the kids and my heart nearly fell out of my chest. The site of my car, with broken windows (quarter and targa), open doors, open front bonnet, glass inside the car, broken ignition compartment.... I don't think anything can feel worse that being screwed over like that. Seriously why dont these theives leave me alone? 2 years ago they dumped and torched a car next to anotehr car I had and I lost 2K, this is also the second time they got into my zed. The robbed my from my uninstalled FMIC and subs (was going to Wiz's place) 4 years ago. And my magna also have a share of theft with a stereo and a broken window. My alarms are useless as I do not hear any of them. I guess I just need to move to a house instead of a unit. Have you guys had similar experiences?
  2. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    I feel for ya.
    You get agro, violated, and helpless, all in one feeling. Of course all of the neighbours had the batteries out of their hearing aids at the time, and nobody saw a thing. :(
    I moved from Moree to get away from the lowlife mongrels. Suggest pick a better suburb or town.
  3. -3g0r-

    -3g0r- 300ZX

    Hate when this kind of **** happens ae

    If I would find out who did this to my car and stole my laptop hidden under the sit, I would probably go to jail for a long time...

  4. Waz

    Waz Member

    That is exactly how my baby looks and I also have a big hole in the roof too, and a many broken things in side, and a missing amp....farrrrrrk
  5. sexzx

    sexzx New Member

    Farkin pricks! :mad: Really sorry for you guys. Low life's can't be bothered working for their own stuff so they steal someone else's hard-earned stuff & damage their car in the meantime. Poofters! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

    I remember mowing a lawn in Q'land years back, as I had a mowing-run for a while. I was gone 5-10 mins to empty a bag of clippings. Broad daylight. People around. Noticed my CD player ($600 Kenwood back in the mid nineties :mad:) gone. Nicked! Noone in site! Had it a few weeks........your cars are worse off though :(

    I hate to hear of these things...............
  6. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    That is so bad!!! I feel for you man...this is exactly the reason why i always garage my zed and only park it outside only when i crash at my friends place...get yourself a decent alarm system...that is one thing that i have learned to not get the cheapest as it is an ideal upgrade...and always make sure you get one with an immobilizer
  7. zedman

    zedman Member

    these people need to be burnt at a steak
    maybe move or think about safe storage if not your daily driver.
    i never leave my zed anyware with out a good steering lock also have imobliser but this still doesen't stop ass holes breaking in and making a mess.
    sorry for you.
  8. Waz

    Waz Member

    Yeah I bought one of those steering locks yesterday. I wish I had it before, it might have stopped them from trying to steal it and run away with it. I am farken stupid. I bought a cover as it looks very violated and heart breaking. You should see me and how I turned yellow when I Saw it (open doors, broken glass,..) what annoys more is that i live in a block of so mnay people. yet no one bothered to knock my door and tell me that my car was raped. So much for good neighbours. Now I need to get it sorted fast as its not registered, and anyone can do whatever to it. I hope the broken glass peaces whom I hurt my hands with yesterday make them think twice. I also think the police is useless. They are used to my area being a slum. I need to get out I guess. Anyone in NSW can garage my car for a day or two, till I Get the windows sorted?
  9. Felix

    Felix Custom User

    Don't know if a steering wheel lock does much in reality, but I bought one anyway. Can always use it to hit people if needed.
  10. Pronto

    Pronto Zed Admirer

    This has been posted before --> http://www.coplock.com.au/

    Damn this makes me angry! It really makes you wonder what goes through people's mind's when they destroy someone elses property and stoop to stealing!
  11. Waz

    Waz Member

    it 12:30 am and I just went down to the undergound parking hoping that the theive will come back. I am really really angry and I really dont know what I will do with the guy if I see him trying to take my car again,because if my hands get him I dont think he will do too well. I hate this!
  12. sbe

    sbe New Member

    You can get car alarms that page you within xx metres of the car.

    I used to have one in the late 80's. Now you can get fancier ones like this

    I feel for you though. I know how you feel.
  13. Waz

    Waz Member

    700 bucks! agh! worth it though if you had the cash. My issue is connectivity. I dont think the thickness of the walls and ground and distance allow signals to reach me. Have you guys have exprience like mine? firexample would you get paged if you were in a mall?
  14. Felix

    Felix Custom User

    I think there are alarms that uses GSM...it has a SIM card inside that would use the mobile network to contact you if anything happens. So whereever there is mobile coverage it should work?

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