Who wears contacts??

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by kirst, Feb 20, 2007.

  1. kirst

    kirst Totally Innocent

    Im off to the optometrists on thursday and im thinking of getting some contact lenses, if suitable.

    Anybody got any advice on the best to get ie weekly /fortnightly /monthly/ disposables... or maybe those ones u leave in for up to a month n sleep in and stuff?

    Just wanna know if anyone has had any hassles etc with them.

  2. ZedZillaZ32

    ZedZillaZ32 Infinite Z

    the 2 types ive tried have been no problem

    im using a silicon based one at the moment (the new and improved way to go) cant remember what the last type were made of. They seem fine. Optometrist will play a big part they need to size your eye up right or they will be uncomfortable. Also the 2 main contact cleaners some people are irritated by one or the other I can use either though. i use the monthly, it says 30 uses then ditch them but ive used some of mine for longer with no problems.

    Plus you usually get a trial pair to see how they go before the order the main perscription

    hope this helps

  3. Jase

    Jase Not a Member.. The Member

    Contacts r the way to go!!!!

    Hey bud,

    Ive been wearing contacts for a couple of years now. The brand I use is called Activeyez, or something like that. These are "meant" to be monthlies and you throw them away, though I ended up wearing my in for 8 months straight and only had to get new ones because after a drunk night in a blackout I was unsucessful in putting them back into the salution.lol
    A couple of things to note. Firstly they say that you should only wear them for 8 hours a day Maxuim 6 days a week. I wear them for the entire day (0400 to about 1800) and sometimes like 30 days straight. The only thing is, if you had a late night the night before, and you only get miniumal sleep, too put them in the following day feels like needles in your eyes to be frank. For them to wrk the best, you need to allow your eyes to rest for atleast 6 hours minium!
    Hope this helps!!!

  4. blue32zx

    blue32zx The answer is 42

    ive been wearing them for 4.5 years now...

    no issues...i use the avtive eyes or somehting as well but daylies..much easier...just put it in when u wake up and throw en out when u gte home...easy. no messy solutions, no hassles...

    just make sure u have clean hands when putting em in, coz it hurts lkike hell when u get a bit of shit under em!

    talk to ur eye doctor tho..he'll guide u...

  5. kirst

    kirst Totally Innocent

    awesome! cheers guys!
    i have been using the same old glasses for like nearly 8years now and they are definately due to be thrown out (plus with my glasses on, my vision is as blury as it used to be without them :p) slightly overdue for a eye check up ;)
    i hardly ever wear them now coz they get in the way but it would be good to be able to see shit again :D
  6. red32

    red32 You talkin' to me?

    Same glasses for 8 years... they must be nearly opaque with scratches.
    Personally I prefer glasses... they are much more adaptable - seamless trifocals (old guy), tints, photosensitive, etc. They can be a style statement too (Edna Everige and Elton John spring to mind). Plus you can remove them if you really want to read the fine print (if you are short-sighted).

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