Where is the Interface Box? :wacko:

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Flash, May 21, 2005.

  1. Flash

    Flash Veteran Z Owner

    When connecting CoZult to the car, to test if the connector is attached correctly, turn on the ignition of your car and watch if red & green LEDs on the interface box light up. The green LED will go out after a few seconds...

    sooo where is this interface box!!?? I couldn't see any LEDs where I plugged it in, or any appear on the dash :wacko: Can anyone help??

  2. PTR

    PTR Member

    Interface Box

    My Conzult system has a black box (50mm X 70mm X 20mmm)that is on the cable between the socket that joins the the car consult port and the computer connection.
    One end of that box has two leds one green and one red.
    Some other conzult type systems may not have the box.
  3. Flash

    Flash Veteran Z Owner


    Well my cable has no such box, so I guess I'll have to hope and prey the connector on the car is good..

    Thanks again ZX.

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