Where is the info about how to include pictures in your posts please?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Luig, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. Luig

    Luig luig

    I think it about time I posted some pikkies.

    regards John:cool:
  2. Flooded (Con)

    Flooded (Con) Go the Pies!!

    Posting pics

    When posting a msg, click on the "Image" button and just type in the address to your hosted pic. :thumbsup:
  3. Luig

    Luig luig

    Thanks Con but the old site had a comprehensive write up.....

    we dont have that any more??:unsure::unsure:

    regards John:cool:
  4. Fleet

    Fleet Speed Racer

    posting images

    first your image needs to exist somewhere on the internet, not on your home PC.

    so it needs to be uploaded. most ISPs provide personal web space with internet access, and you can upload your pics from your home PC to your personal web space.

    once your image is on the internet, you can then type (replace curly brakcets below with square brackets ie [ and ])

    {img}http://[whereever your image is located]/[imagefilename]{/img}

    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

  6. Luig

    Luig luig

    Thanks boys!! It's all become clearer somehow!! (LOL)

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