What could this be caused by? (Transmission)

Discussion in 'Technical' started by kr4usy, Aug 8, 2006.

  1. kr4usy

    kr4usy Active Member

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    Gday, went last week to check how the zed was going with its repairs (previous post) and I got my first proper look under the car, so I took some photos. When I got home I noticed something that concerned me.

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    Im a newbie when it comes to the tech side of cars (wanting to learn!) just curious on peoples thoughts of what it could be, and if/what I should do about it.

    The car is a Aus spec NA manual with light mods (mosly done by previous owner).
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2006
  2. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

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    Rear main seal leaking

    Hard to tell from a photo but it's either the rear main or exhaust cam cover(s) leaking, possibly both.
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  3. scottyTT

    scottyTT New Member

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    or your big end bearing seal

    i've done one of these.
    Big end = where the main crank shaft comes out through the back of the motor case and there is a seal arround it that keeps the oil in. cost about $30 from 'nissan' and you have to take the g-box off to replace it. takes about 3 hours and you'll need a decent jack and some engine stands. and a good socket set and somebody stupid to help you lift adn support the g-box.
    or you can just pay to get it done, but i'm not like that so each to thier own.

    Good luck!

  4. tom@pzp

    tom@pzp www.pzp.com.au

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    yes the one you are referring to is the rear main seal that k-zed is talking about...

    i would put my money on a rear main aswell.... you'll need to drop your exhaust, driveshaft, gearbox, remove clutch, flywheel then you can see the rear main smiling at you as you are covered in black shit from everywhere... much easier if you can use this hoist! :) They are $13US from CZP or around $30ish from local nissan rapists, i mean, dealers...

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