what cats

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by warren300, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. warren300

    warren300 SLICKTOP TT

    Any suggestions on what catalytic converters to get. I have no idea and would run straight pipes all the way to the back if i was allowed.
    At the moment the car has its original cats and i have some 3" dump pipes i want to use.
  2. bRACKET

    bRACKET Do Right Dean

    What size cats did you want? 2.5" or 3"?

    As for flow, the lower the cpi, the better, but the trade off is higher emissions are escaping from your exhaust.
  3. warren300

    warren300 SLICKTOP TT

    3" i guess since i need to make pipes to fit the dumps. Will taper them to the 2.5 cat back. Can yo tell which ones are legal or not just by looking at them . Or is an emision test the only way to tell?
  4. warren300

    warren300 SLICKTOP TT

  5. bRACKET

    bRACKET Do Right Dean

    It's only compliant if it produce the same or less emissions than stock, which will be hard to do with a modified car, from my understanding anyway.

    My plan is get some high quality 3" 100cpi cats and hope for the best haha.
  6. rob260

    rob260 Administrator Staff Member

    Things you need to know...

    Go for stainless steel body with metal substrate, preferably with heat shields.

    Exhaust system goes dumps--->front pipes--->cats--->centre muffler/x pipe--->rear mufflers. So you could have 3" dumps and incorporate a reducer into your front pipes to go 2.5" in/out cats and keep it 2.5 from there. Cheaper, quieter and better ground clearance. That's what I would do, OR complete 3" system if building a monster,

    CSI indicates how many cells per square inch when looking through the biscuit. In this case less is more as in less cells means bigger holes and more flow.

    Re legality... There are two "standards" that cats are made to, being CARB and EURO. These standards refer to the coating used on the substrate and the standard (ie EURO 1, EURO 2 etc) that your cats are required to comply with will depend on the year that the car was made. This is what people mean by "road legal" or "EPA compliant".

    Here's where people get confused; just because you have EPA compliant cats does not mean you will pass an emissions test. You can fit EPA compliant cats to a modified car with big cams/injectors/turbos and while the exhaust system may be considered legal (for registration compliance purposes) there is every chance that the car would not pass an emissions test IF ordered to undergo one.

    Conversely I could build a car to run E85 and a very mild tune but not fit any cats. This (hypothetical) car may return a clean emissions test (if tested) however it would NOT be deemed EPA compliant.

    Make sense?

    What I did was fit the best EPA compliant cats that I could find. Is my car "legal" from a registration and compliance point of view? Yes. Would I pass an emissions test if ordered to undergo one? I hope I never have to find out.

    Hope that helps
  7. lysergic

    lysergic PWRTRIP

    ballistic 100cpsi.
  8. yellow300zx

    yellow300zx Pimpin Ain't Easy

    Yep same as I use. Contact Greg at Sureflow he sells them

    Phone: (02) 9829 3158

    or you can shop around if you find a better price but I haven't found one unless you get it through a groupbuy.
  9. bRACKET

    bRACKET Do Right Dean

    Why do I even try help, shoulda just PM'd you :(
  10. warren300

    warren300 SLICKTOP TT

    Thanks Rob that made sense and bracket i will be following your advice as well:p


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