Well Kept 300ZX or ReBuilt/Manufactured?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Mattsaussie, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. Mattsaussie

    Mattsaussie Member

    I am wanting to buy a 89-93 Aussie 300zx, and basically restore/keep it at factory standard (Or, at least, minor, reversible changes).

    With that in mind, and my limit is variable to the condition of the car, would it be best to find a one in a million, well kept 300 with as little things to do on it as possible (going for around 9-12 depending on how low k's it has) or buy a somewhat heap of S#@! that needs 5 or 6 in parts/spraying/etc to be to of that standard again?

    Just a side note, Is it legal to reset a speedo to 0km's on a completely rebuilt vehicle, cause there is technically no wear on the vehicle (proven by stress tests or something)?

    ZYTRAM Formerly known as martini_Z

    Buy one that's been well looked after and you'll be set, you'll end up spending more the other way around. Stick it out and be patient and when you do find the one you won't look back. Not to mention the headache of bringing a rough example up to scratch!

    Most odo's have been wound back anyway, so make sure you get it properly checked out and compression tested by a z expert!
  3. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    If you're into the whole keeping it standard thing how about finding a 25th Anniversary Stillen edition. 40 of them, all '95 models. I think there is one on Car Point at the moment, been there for at least a year, it's pretty pricey but you could probably knock him down.
  4. Vader

    Vader Just another guy

    No don't do that. That's my car in a year or so :p. After he blows up the engine so I can put a TT in it of course :zlove:
  5. cherryZ

    cherryZ Truth Addict

    It's illegal to tamper with the odometer in Australia... although apparently not in Japan which is why the vast majority of grey imports will be reading somewhat under.

    In my opinion the Z32 is never going to be a concours car so you may as well buy one in decent nick and drive like Mr Nissan intended... some people on here are under the false impression that they will one day begin to appreciate in value but I can't see it happening. Generally only cars that reached a cult status like your Phase III Hoey's, E49 Charger's etc will represent an investment and even then the money is better invested elsewhere.

    My 2c,
  6. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Not if you put in a brand new odometer and tell whoever has to be told ;)
  7. red32

    red32 You talkin' to me?

    $4200 to $1,000,000 in 39 years for doing nothing but keeping it in mint condition sounds like a pretty good car investment to me.
    Obviously, picking the car which will do this is the problem.
  8. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    I wouldnt start doing that, the kms not only measure the mileage on an engine but the chassis aswell. If the car is all beat up with alot of chassis rail damage etc then it's not likely to have done 0km! :p

    I do believe it's illegal however.

    ZXDEVIL Active Member

    No car will be worth that much in 40 years... reason: no effing petrol left!! they're gonna be pretty good paperweights tho...

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