Vacuum/Heat issue?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Kanzen, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. Kanzen

    Kanzen MUDA DA!

    Hey guys,

    I figured Id throw this up here to try and shine some light on a little issue DEVIL ZX has been happening lately.

    Under acceleration the car seems to make a WOOOOOOO like a vacuum sucking sound towards the right hand side of the car, there are no liquid leaks however theres a fair bit of condensation buildup under the bonnet after we go for a run, I know what the turbos and fans sound like and its nothing like that, its just obnoxious.

    Havent been able to run any diagnostics (dont have Nistune - gay)

    This has been happening for a week or two, and only happens under hot weather/when the engine gets really hot, we think it may be some sort of piping issue, but either way we lose massive power, dont need a gauge to tell you when the car doesnt cherp out of 1st gear.

    Cheers guys.
  2. a2zed

    a2zed Guest

    The condensation will be coolant spraying from a split hose, the "woooo" noise is probalby boiling coolant hissing out of the split like a kettle. Where does the water seem to be coming from?
  3. Kanzen

    Kanzen MUDA DA!

    Around the radiator and towards the rear of the engine bay, near the drivers side...coolant? We've had a new radiator installed (KOYO) perhaps the pipe split when they were being put back on?

    TWIN TERROR Well-Known Member

    Have you had the plenum coolant line by-pass done ?.
  5. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    check the coolant level in the radiator when its cold, see if its low, that'll be the biggest giveaway........
  6. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    How recent was the rad install?

    Sounds like you may have 2 separate issues; one a coolant weep, the other a vacuum leak.
    The coolant leak may yet be small and hard to locate so a pressure test is advisable.
    To locate the vac leak, check all vac and boost hoses for splits or loose clamps, then do a blow-up test.
  7. Kanzen

    Kanzen MUDA DA!

    TWIN TERROR : Not that I'm aware of, my brother and I have not much work to the car, we have left all of the work so far to PZP.

    Jinxed : Should of thought of that earlier, will do so this arvo when DEVIL ZX gets home.

    K-zed : Radiator along with a new STILLEN oil cooler was installed around about a month ago by PZP over here in WA, not sure how to do the pressure test or blow-up test?

    I'll check the pipes and clamps more thouroughly tonight.

    TWIN TERROR Well-Known Member

    One of the small hoses under the plenum maybe leaking if they are still there.Some places don't eliminate them properly or at all. leaks under the upper plenum can be hard to find as the heat evaporates it away quickly .
  9. Kanzen

    Kanzen MUDA DA!

    Come to think of it, there was a strange white dust on a few of the pipes leading from the Right BOV towards the right plenum, by the sounds of it I put my money on the coolant leak, should of put two and two together earlier.

    Ill have a closer look at those pipes/hoses around that area, but it would be safe to say to just go ahead and replace it all, theres always bloody something lol would it be best to have the car running when checking for leaks, after all, itll leak if its running...........?
  10. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    Not necessarily

    Coolant leaks, in early stages of pipe to hose connection decay (corrosion), may often weep only under pressure at high temps. Get a cooling system pressure test done at a local radiator shop.
  11. Kanzen

    Kanzen MUDA DA!

    Ill contact a local radiator shop, have had a few recommended by some mates already.

    Proberbly would be best to wait for them to tell me whats wrong before I go out and just buy new piping, was next on the list anyway, pretty much everythign was going to get replaced to avoid this sort of thing in the future, after all, pipes are close to 2 decades old lol....
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2010

    TWIN TERROR Well-Known Member

    Just eliminate all the under plenum hoses if they are still in place as they are not required in o.z unless you go to the snow.There put in to keep the throttles from jamming in sub zero driving.hold a tech day to do plenum pull and by-pass.Also take out the e.r.g if needed to save having to pull the plenum to do it later.There should ba a tech article on it all.Allow a full day if someone helps that has done it before or longer if you have no one to help who has done it before.It's not as hard as it seems but it's makes it easier if you have a hand from someone who has done it before.Even if it's not leaking there now but the hoses are still there do them a.s.a.p to save grief down the track.

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