WA Track day, 29th september

Discussion in 'Post Event Discussion' started by Vader, Sep 29, 2012.

  1. Vader

    Vader Just another guy

    Had a ball!

    Thanks very much for everything Ross.

    Now, bring on the times and photo's!
  2. Mikezah

    Mikezah build thread incoming!

    No kidding hey!

    I havent had that much fun in a long.. LONG time.

    Cant wait to see the times! and see how consistent we were and how we improved.

    (i timed one of your laps dave and was pretty impressive 50.4 lets see how everyone else goes)
  3. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    well thats run and done!

    had a great time, and i think most people did as well......

    22 cars took to the track, with all leaving intact as well i think.....

    ill get all the times up in the next few days, need to go through and make sense of them all first.....

    in the mean time, lets get the photos and videos happening.....!
  4. Vader

    Vader Just another guy

    Days? :eek: :( :br:
  5. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    lol, ill try and be quicker dave, just for you....
  6. Vader

    Vader Just another guy

  7. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator



    1) vader 31.37
    2) monk13 32.02
    3) tim w 32.28
    4) sushiboi 32.83
    5) dindarthegrey 33.42
    6) michandy 34.3
    7) ugame 36.7
    8) y350z 38.21
    9) mort 49.53

    z32 TT

    1) lovmyzed 31.94
    2) mikezah 33.83
    3) zedoralive 34.08
    4) minezxtt 35.43
    5) gibbontamer 41.19

    z2 NA

    1) jinxed 34.33
    2) spikie 34.42
    3) lazyzed 35.21
    4) myfairlady 37.11
    5) fugu 40.12

    non zed

    1) matts14 33.94
    2) buzz1986 35.62
    3) clinte 36.85



    1) mort 30.8
    2) monk13 31.33
    3) timw 31.8
    4) vader 32.48
    5) sushiboi 32.51
    6) michandy 32.58
    7) dindarthegrey 32.84
    8) ugame 35.88
    9) y350z 37.7

    z32 tt

    1) lovmyzed 31.36
    2) minezxtt 32.2
    3) mikezah 33.06
    4) gibbonamer 34.02
    5) zedoralive 35.2

    z32 na

    1) spikie 33.58
    2) myfairlady 35.73
    3) lazyzed 35.87
    4) fugu 40.06
    5) jinxed 44.72 (the spin off lap lol)


    1) buzz1986 33.34
    2) matts14 33.9
    3) clinte 35.28
  8. Mikezah

    Mikezah build thread incoming!

    woah some close times there :D
  9. ugame

    ugame user #1

    BAJHAHAHAHAHAHA im sooo at the bottom but I achieved my objective of not damaging anything :D

    Post more times please :D

    Here's some cockpit footage
  10. michandy

    michandy Active Member

    he he

    Yeah was just looking at that Chris, Maybe I don't want a fancy exhaust system for my car afterall. they make you go slower :D
    Thanks for organizing a great day Ross, was a blast and we enjoyed ourselves heaps. Good to see everyone got away with out any damage, apart from a couple of smokey engines :eek:.
    Am going to be in bed early tonight :rolleyes:
    See some of you again tomorrow, Andy & Michelle :cool:
  11. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator



    1) mort 36.11
    2) vader 36.58
    3) michandy 36.98
    4) monk13 37.31
    5) timw 38.11
    6) sushiboi 38.57
    7) ugame 40.7
    8) y350z 42.19

    z32 tt

    1) lovmyzed 37.29
    2) gibbontamer 37.49
    3) zedoralive 38.79
    4) minezxtt 39.03
    5) mikezah 39.38

    z32 na

    1) spikie 38.17
    2) jinxed 40.72
    3) lazyzed 40.78
    4) myfairlady 42.96
    5) fugu 47.2


    1) buzz1986
    2) matts14 40.38
    3) clinte 41.24



    1) vader 35.38
    2) monk13 36.18
    3) michandy 37.13
    4) timw 37.46
    5) sushiboi 37.64
    6) ugame 39.14
    7) mort 39.4
    8) y350z 41.44

    z32 tt

    1) minezxtt 37.31
    2) lovmyzed 37.47
    3) gibbontamer 37.98
    4) zedoralive 38.51
    5) mikezah 38.72

    z32 na

    1) spikie 37.48
    2) lazyzed 39.94
    3) myfairlady 42.34
    4) jinxed 42.49
    5) fugu 45.38


    1) buzz1986 37.66
    2) matts14 38.37
    3) clinte 40.66
  12. minezx

    minezx New Member

    Thank you Ross who gave us such a great event,and to all who attended and made it so much fun ,,spin on those times ross ha ha
  13. Mikezah

    Mikezah build thread incoming!

    I wonder if they started timing once we moved past the cone or once our wheels started spinning..
  14. minezx

    minezx New Member

    It would have been as soon as you rolled mate
  15. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator



    1) mort 52.28
    2) mok13 52.46
    3) vader 52.56
    4) michandy 54.05
    5) timw 54.16
    6) sushiboi 56.21
    7) ugame 59.38
    8) y350z 62.94

    z32 tt

    1) lovmyzed 53.31
    2) minezxtt 53.68
    3) zedoralive 57.48
    4) gibbontamer 57.69
    5) mikezah 60.15

    z32 na

    1) jinxed 58.11
    2) myfairlady 63.59
    3) fugu 65.98


    1) matts14 56.48
    2) buzz1986 57.02
    3) clinte 59.58


    1) mort 52.07
    2) vader 52.23
    3) monk13 52.94
    4) timw 53.56
    5) michandy 53.79
    6) sushiboi 55.64
    7) ugame 56.2
    8) y350z 59.38

    z32 tt

    1) lovmyzed 53.18
    2) minezxtt 53.83
    3) gibbontamer 57.74
    4) zedoralive 57.78
    5) mikezah 57.92

    z32 na

    1) jinxed 58.02
    2) myfairlady 61.3
    3) fugu 64.07


    1) buzz1986 53.68
    2) matts14 55.18
    3) clinte 57.28
  16. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator



    1) mort 52.5
    2) vader 52.63
    3) monk13 52.9
    4) timw 53.56
    5) michandy 55.01
    6) sushiboi 55.24
    7) ugame 57.29
    8) y350z 61.38

    z32 tt

    1) lovmyzed 54.05
    2) minezxtt 54.6
    3) zedoralive 55.55
    4) mikezah 58.83

    z32 na

    1) jinxed 57.56
    2) myfairlady 62.83
    3) fugu 63.95


    1) buzz1986 52.34
    2) matts14 54.45
    3) clinte 59.2



    1) vader 51.44
    2) mort 51.94
    3) monk13 53.55
    4) michandy 53.71
    5) sushiboi 55.17
    6) y350z 59.05

    z32 tt

    1) minezxtt 53.87
    2) lovmyzed 54.38
    3) zedoralive 56.21
    4) mikezah 57.4

    z32 na

    1) jinxed 57.04
    2) fugu 62.95
    3) myfairlady 66.34


    1) buzz1986 52.76
    2) matts14 56.56
    3) clinte 59.75

    TRACK 3 DRIVE 5 (final run for the day)


    1) monk13 51.74
    2) mort 51.87
    3) vader 52.04
    4) michandy 53.58
    5) sushiboi 54.89
    6) y350z 61.95

    z32 tt

    1) lovmyzed 53.71
    2) minezxtt 55.52
    3) mikezah 57.25
    4) zedoralive 58.59

    z32 na

    1) jinxed 57.1
    2) myfairlady 61.67
    3) fugu 62.92


    1) buzz1986 51.16
    2) matts14 55.3
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2012
  17. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    things to mention......

    timing on the day was with a stopwatch, so times are not exact, but as close as can be timed with a stopwatch.

    times were for fun only, and some people pushed harder than others while some prefered to make sure the car survived the day....probly sensible lol!

    in the 350/370 zed section everything was a na 350z (some modded, some stock) except for mort with a supercharged 350z, and vader with a 370z

    in other class we had buzz in his evo10, matt in his s14a 200sx, and clint e in his na supra

    in tt z32 class all cars were modded tt's.

    in na z32 class there was a mix of mildly of modded and completely stock na's
  18. minezx

    minezx New Member

    Thanks for the times Ross it would have been a bit of work that,and I just had a tonne of fun ,,
  19. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    yeah that took alot of sorting out lol.....

    glad everyone had fun......

    the whole evnt was a bit of a mission to organise, but in the end, worth it i think....
  20. lovmyzed

    lovmyzed Member

    excellent job Ross, it was easy to see you put some serious effort into getting this event to run so smoothly.

    I had great fun with plenty of company and fine food, what else is there?

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