WA The idiots "show us ur zed" BBQ.

Discussion in 'Coming Events' started by gargoyle, Aug 20, 2011.

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  1. gargoyle

    gargoyle New Member

    The two idiots would like to invite their peers to a BBQ and "show us your zed"
    day at idiot two's place in the hills on Sunday the 25th of September.
    Those that have been here before know there's plenty of room and a great view and we know how to put a good spread on.
    Instead of the usual tech day we thought a day to talk and breath zeds would be a nice change with no pressure to do anything else.
    There'll be plenty of coronas and soft drinks but no bacon and egg sandwiches. Ross didn't make any friends with his so I'm not going to try. No salad either. But there will be great food so don't stress about starving.
    So polish the precious metal and show us your stuff.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2011
  2. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    kick of is at what time sir?
  3. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    I think ill pop in... im up mohogany hill most weekends these days so ill stop past.
  4. kthnxbye

    kthnxbye Krstn

    As per usual, if I'm home from work I'll be there. it's been a while since I've seen everyone!!
  5. Hurrican

    Hurrican Member

    I thought the Bacon and Eggs went down well John. Hope to be there.
  6. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator


    as did i lol......im sure john will put on a spread though, he always does
  7. gargoyle

    gargoyle New Member

    Kick off will be about 12 noon. The plan is to have a relaxing day gas bagging about zeds. Like what you've done and what you'll like to do.
    I've weakened too, if there's enough demand, bacon and egg sandwiches will be on. I remember Norm licking his chops over his so why not?
    With a bit of luck my learned friend, enigma, will have his zed back on the road too. It's only been six months!
  8. Chilledpain

    Chilledpain Z Reaper

    I'll be there for sure! :)
  9. canario

    canario New Member

    ill be there to, i has been i while i dont show off.
  10. michandy

    michandy Active Member


    I'm working that day :(, we will try to get up later in the arvo for a quick visit.
  11. Altari

    Altari '89 2+2 TT Manual

    Should be back from Melb, so I'll try to get there. BBQ time!! :cool:
  12. Enigma

    Enigma Ace Mason


    Whew, this will be great for everyone to catch up and get some awesome pics. I'm looking forward to John's BBQ. He always puts on great spread, I might have to bring some prawns up this time. I'll have the Devil Z back by then, Anyone up for ZigZag runs?
  13. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    we could do a aternoon cruise to the zig zags for those interested, just a half hour round trip to the zig zags then back would be fun
  14. gibbon_tamer

    gibbon_tamer Member

    yeah sounds sick ross im in
  15. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    ill let the idiots organise if they want to do it, its here day after all.....

    quick lap up through mundaring weir road, loop around to zig zags carpark, down the zz and back to johns. bought 30-40 round trip, would be a nice detour hehe

    can always be done different day though, i leave it in the idiots capable hands ..............:eek::D
  16. Enigma

    Enigma Ace Mason

    What he said

    Yes Ross, I was thinking exactly that. The weir then zigzag then back to gargoyles house in the afternoon when we all have full bellys. Can't miss out on the BBQ!
  17. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    na i like that... working zed people can go off as us non-working zed people eat all the food then bugger off :D
  18. gargoyle

    gargoyle New Member

    Seriously Ross, no one knows the hills roads like you do so how about you take care of the mini-cruise bit?
    We feed 'em, you lead 'em.:D
  19. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    extra fun

    if you desire , ill make a mini map, sure.:br:
  20. Enigma

    Enigma Ace Mason

    Good Value

    Go for it Ross, you know what I'm like with maps :D

    I can't wait to get the Devil Z back, just to get out there after almost a year of being limited to 35HP. I'm going to find a big long straight and stomp the horizontal distance compressor!!! I am seriously having 1-2 dreams per week about having my Z back. It's now getting so bad that I wake up and think it is in my driveway:rolleyes:... but it's not:(

    My work Van broke down today. I guess they're only good for 500 000k's.
    That feeling of being on the side of the road :mad:
    And if anyone saw the White Van out the front of the Burswood Casino last night, jacked up & missing a rear wheel, that was me too.
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