TEIN Monoflex Coilovers no longer available for Z32??

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by ZeDHeD, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. ZeDHeD

    ZeDHeD Well-Known Member

    Hi All

    It lookes like TEIN are no longer making the Monoflex coilovers to suit the Z32!.........I guess it's a sign that these cars are now considered quite 'old' & therefore no longer worth manufacturing new parts for! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

    Just wondering if anyone knows of any suppliers anyhwere in the world that might still have these in stock??

    I've already tried Perfectrun in Japan ..........but no luck there! :(

    The next issue will be trying to research something equivalent in quality & performance to these from another manufacturer??.......does anyone have any suggestions/recommendations??
  2. SIM300


    What about Tein Flex?
  3. ZeDHeD

    ZeDHeD Well-Known Member

    I think these are still available??.......but I thought the monotube design of the Monoflex was an improvement over the older Flex model??
  4. lidz

    lidz Well-Known Member

    It is, a big improvement.

    There was a couple sets of monoflex for z32, used but practically new, on yahoo auctions the other day if you dont mind that option. Otherwise if you can still buy them new for the r32 gtr just buy those & trim the front pillowball mounts.

    There's no point buying a twintube design shock these days when theres so many monotube options. If budget conscious look at SPL, Powertrix, maybe AMS out of the states/canada.

    Theres also a really nice set of near new aragosta's (from morway I believe) on yahoo at the moment that would set you back circa $2k, your looking at $4k new.

    Otherwise if happy to modify front pillowball tops (its easy) look at the million current options for the r32.

    If your specifically after the monoflex for z32 maybe contact a broker like jesse streeter & see if he can locate a new set via his contacts?

    cheers, tim
  5. Plumwerks

    Plumwerks New Member

    Just get some R32 ones,they're the same,just a little grind on the top mounts or use Z32 top mounts.
  6. ZeDHeD

    ZeDHeD Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the advice guys!.......maybe the R32 option is the way to go then! CheerZ Russ
  7. mattah

    mattah New Member

    Build a set of custom Bilsteins that will be 1000000x times better and probably cheaper if not the same price.

    Edit: Or buy the AST/Aragosta (same thing) mentioned above.
  8. Mr G

    Mr G Active Member

  9. SIM300


    For those who like a good read, below is some info I found sometime ago about the difference between mono & twin design.



    to sum up .. (which we already knew)

    tein flex better for street
    monoflex better for circuit..

    But my monotubes feel great on the street
  11. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    I've driven a few cars with Monoflex's (Zeds and others) and they are friggen awesome. Worth the coin ;)
  12. ZeDHeD

    ZeDHeD Well-Known Member

    Yeah I've got my heart set on the Monoflex! :zlove:........think I will go the R32 option & just modify them to fit the Z! ;)


    EASY MOD ... or you can just buy a z32 front pillow mounts
  14. mattah

    mattah New Member

    Really it comes down to the quality of the damper, regardless of monotube or twin tube. I would trust a set of Koni 8611s (which are twin tube) far more than I would a Tein monotube., but I would trust a Moton, JRZ, or AST/Aragosta (or Bilstein) monotube more than the Koni.

    Also, Bilstein monotubes have been OEM now for decades on a number of high end sports cars (and optioned on the more sport oriented versions of some lower end cars) for street use. Just from handling the Bilsteins that I have (I have Z32 rears with custom valving going into an S13), they seem more than strong enough to take a hit from any loose objects on the road.

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