Starter Motor Connector problem

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Fate, Mar 25, 2010.

  1. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    Hey guys,

    Thought I had a problem with starter motor, possibly still do. Car refuses to turn over.

    I organised a replacement and finally got around to fitting it. Problem I'm having is the starter motor connector has been cut off and or removed at some stage or another.

    It's the connector that is coming from the engine side of things, not the starter motor side if that makes sense - ie: The Male connection of the plug.

    Argh... Major Frustration - Got my hands dirty and everything. Bastard car! *shakes Fist*

    Anyone else seen this problem before and is it possible to simply solder a new connection onto it?

    Any help appreciated -

  2. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Yeah, just solder a new connection on. You can go and get a new plug from supercheap if you want and just solder than on to both ends of the wire. It's just a signal wire, main power feed is direct from the battery.
    Fate likes this.
  3. Mitch

    Mitch Has one gear: GO

    Copy that.
    Narva make some good weatherproof connections that have the rubber seal in them already, like the factory ones. Easy solder in job, or crimp. If you wanted to do it cheap and nasty, there is always the insulated M/F spade terminals. Would get you out of a fix.
    Fate likes this.
  4. WazTTed

    WazTTed Grease Monkey

    how hard is a starter replacement dude seriously.. haha budgo spec hacked up replacement starter wtf!!
  5. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    4 hours of mumbling, 2 lost fingers. Many abusive cuss words and the starter motor was replaced along with new connector. :thumbup:

    Cept the problem wasn't the starter motor at all and the battery has obviously dropped a cel! :mad:


    Big thanks to 2thumbsup and Ztoy for their help with the painfully long unnecessary process. :thumbup:


    Fate - OUT
  6. Mclovin

    Mclovin Well-Known Member

    :D Good to hear its finally done. :thumbup:
  7. WazTTed

    WazTTed Grease Monkey

    hehehe 4 hours to solder one connector onto the starter!!! would hate to see how long it takes you to remove a bra hehehehhee :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    Chrispy likes this.
  8. Mitch

    Mitch Has one gear: GO

    Dude... 10 minute job.
    Ratchet spanners will make it faster, and heat shields are nothing but 'over-engineering' ;)
  9. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    Not when some moron put the dump pipes in the way :p..

    Yes, normally should be a 10 minute Job - Fate spec lasts 10 times as long.
    But at least I can add it to the "I did that" list.

  10. WazTTed

    WazTTed Grease Monkey

    if only all " Fate spec lasts 10 times as long." hehehehe lol ps wernt they your own custom dumps u had made up hehehee
  11. hpcoolahan

    hpcoolahan back to boost ...yay

    if only all " Fate spec lasts 10 times as long." hehehehe lol ps wernt they your own custom dumps u had made up hehehee

    lol......Sorry fate , that was funny mate.

  12. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    Worse still was that I didn't have to solder anything... Just crimped on some new connectors. It was the fact the dump pipes were in the way of removing the starter motor itself :p.

    yes yes ha ha :p FUNNY FOOKERS Aren't ya LMAO

    Was even funnier and painfully frustrating after all that to know it was something so simple as a battery.

    Fate -

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