Squeaking noise from driver side rear. Longish

Discussion in 'Technical' started by zx4ben, Dec 23, 2007.

  1. zx4ben

    zx4ben Big Black Shiney Car


    I have searched the forum on this subject and tried everything. No change in the noise.

    When I engage the clutch or change gears while driving, there is a rubbing/squeaking noise from the driver side rear wheel well.

    When the car is parked and handbrake is on, if i jump up and down on the driver side door sill it makes the noise.

    If the hand brake is not on, it doesn't make the noise when I jump up and down.

    But it always makes the noise when driving (hand brake off obviously)

    I took the shock absorber/spring out and swapped it with another one (not new but good condition) and the noise is still there.

    All suspension components are adjustable and rose jointed(except the lower arm which is standard). When the shock absorber/spring is out and I move the whole suspension/arms etc up and down as hard as I can it doesn't make the noise.

    I have black ES bushing on the subframe which I recently put in, but greased the hell out of them.

    I have almost given up on this. Can't work it out.

    Anyone have the same problem?


  2. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    $100 it's a noisy rose joint. Had the same problem with my rear camber arms.
  3. ALZ300

    ALZ300 New Member

    I get a slight rub noise after parked with h/brake on ! handbrake off + start rollin

    i get a rubbing noise from left rear wheel. Its only for about one rotation of the wheel. Im not 100% sure,but i think my h/brake is sticking a little on that side when i release it.
    Will be getting it sorted, once i work out what im going to do about bigger wheels for my widebody kit in new year.:cool:

  4. zx4ben

    zx4ben Big Black Shiney Car

    Hopefully it is that, cos its easy to replace

    Ok, i'll replace the adjustable arms one by one until I find which one is noisy under strain. As I said before, I can take the shocker out and move the whole suspension up and down without the noise. I also put silicon grease and wd40 on the rose joints.

    I hope the body isn't cracked somewhere in the wheel well, making that noise, cos then I'll need a panel beater!


  5. SIM300


    I too, have just started to get a noice from the rear...

    I think it is coming from the rear passenger side. It's like a loud squeek noice that happens when going over hard bumps, or when turning from side to side. I have checked the rose joint on the camber arm, and sprayed it with some INOX with no change. I doubt shock, or spring as it does it more when turning side to side, than going over bumps.
    I have eliminated the exhuast, what else can I check? It is really loud, and does it frequently... it is really pissing me off :mad:
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2007
  6. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    How's your rear subframe and diff mounts?
  7. SIM300


    I'll check them again...

    I had a quick look under the car this morning. None of the bushes looked to be in bad condition.
    I will have to jump under again, and have a closer look. As the noise is quite loud, and very annoying.
  8. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

    I'll see your $100 and raise another $100 :)
  9. SIM300


    I'm 75% sure my noise is the rose joint also...

    I finally got under the car while someone bounced on the door seal. It is hard to pin-point the exact region of the noise, which in my case is more a creak.
    All the bushes look old, but they are in fairly good condition considering. Going to buy some new rear camber arms, and fingers crossed once installed no more pain in the arse, constant creaking :D
  10. kr4usy

    kr4usy Active Member

    I just installed some new suspension at the end of last year, was fine until new years day when I also started getting this creaking/squeeking sound. Took it for a wheel alignment, the guy had a look under the car, got my to put down on it while he was under to see if he could spot it...ended up regreasing the rosejoints and it went away...my problem is my aftermarket exhuast runs too close to the lower suspension arms, so its managed to dry them out within a month :eek: So looks like ill begoing backto the OEM parts...
  11. Adamness

    Adamness Active Member

    Thread dig! I got new springs and shocks fitted a couple weeks ago and i am getting a creaking noise from the rear of my car today. My first thought is the diff as it only happens on sharp change from acceleration/deceleration or when i drop down from 3rd to 2nd when going like 50km/hr +.

    Doesn't seem to make the noise any other time, I am yet to get under and have a look but its raining etc.. Things to check apart from the obvious diff mount?

    TWIN TERROR Well-Known Member

    Did they fit the plastic/nylon spaghetti around the top and bottom of the springs ?. Maybe someone can post a picture of what i'm talking about as it's hard to describe.
    Cheers Dave
  13. Adamness

    Adamness Active Member

    Yeah it has the spring wrapping stuff on them, I don't think its the springs/shock cause they are silent when going over bumps or me pushing on car etc, Its just when there is a shock through my drive train


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