.spontaneous tyre deflation

Discussion in 'Technical' started by DRIVER, Jun 2, 2004.


    DRIVER New Member

    ...tire was not flat, then drove about 500 mtres and car had symptoms of flat rear....(oh shit)......changed to the spare but thought I'd try and pump it up at servo anyway and see where the leak is, ....no leak found and tyre OK for 4 weeks, the other day, driving down kingsway, rear felt funny, sure enough flat tire again, took the tire off, pumped it up and no leak....tire still inflated.. THe tire DID on both occasions pop of the rim, but popped back on again once pumped up......whay is this happening ? will go and get the tire re fitted and a new valve put in to be safe, just curios on why this happened.BB
  2. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    Possible leak from valve stem

    ... so have it replaced, not just the valve. Clean the rim bead seal - a build up of tyre gunk could contribute to problem. Inspect tyre bead for damage also.
  3. brutas

    brutas Guest

    purposely done

    maybe someone is letting your tyres down and you don't notice till you start driving
  4. J4Play

    J4Play New Member

    maybe Mulder and Scully can help =) (n/m)

  5. erichns

    erichns S15

    get it checked professionally.

    shouldn't cost you much if anything at all. :*

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