Series II Climate Control Amp Identification

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by OZX_320, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. OZX_320

    OZX_320 Detachable Member

    How do you distinguish the S2 Climate Amplifier from the S1?


    ADAMZX 2000spec Conversion

    Umm part number is the best way to tell the difference.

    Series II:

    27512-41p10 (92/08-92/09)

    27512-41p11 (92/09-00/08)
  3. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    Sorry to dig this up...

    I was wondering what the difference is between the 2 part numbers as its different. If they are both s2 why is there 2 different codes? Also im getting the s2 computer with the code would that be good to use with my s2 pod?

    Thanks in advance.


    ADAMZX 2000spec Conversion

    Yeah it should be all fine to use. I don't know exactly why there are two different numbers but I always believe the later part number must mean they improved the computer compared to the previous number.
  5. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    Oh long it works for me then im not too worried about the later changes lol

    Thanks Adam :)

  6. MagicMike

    MagicMike Moderator Staff Member

    So, there are 3 available controls, what about the amps? What amps work with which control pods?
  7. jschrauwen

    jschrauwen My Fairlady Z

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