Scissor Doors for 300ZX

Discussion in 'Car Parts for Sale or Wanted' started by ADEMON, Nov 21, 2005.


    ADEMON Member

    Redline Magazine

    Redline Magazine "KILLER C2" has an article on these types of doors.


    # choice; scissor (Lamborghini), gullwing (Mercn300sl), suicide (RX8), butterfly (toyota Sera)

    # these doors will have "wobble" because the door has to move in two axis; out then up.

    # the cheaper the kit the worse the 'wobble".

    # some kits don't open that far so you'll have to contort yourself to get in & out of the car.


    # universal kits were you need to weld are bad; as you limit the adjustability... DONT ASSUME WELDING IS THE ONLY OPTION

    # universal kits can not take into account the weight of your door.


    # it is much better to find a direct bolt-on kit designed specifically for your car.

    # a bolt-on kit can allow the car to be returned to standard.

    # it's struts should have been designed with consideration given to the weight of your door.


    # looks Kool.

    # many sharks in this market

    # only a handfull are worth their money in quality and design

    # it is better to buy a kit designed specifically for your car then a cheap "bodgy" fits all kit; so go for a purpose built kit design specifically for your car.

    # never ever rush into this mod

    # do not be tempted to do this mod on the cheap

    # is it legal in your state?

    # is your kit approved, do you require an engineer certificate?


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