RZM - you in Perth?

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by FranZ, Dec 27, 2006.

  1. FranZ

    FranZ franzonline.net

    Anyone care to share some hospitality; organise a BBQ or dinner somewhere with RZM as special guest?
  2. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

  3. Zanjara

    Zanjara Free Candy!

  4. FranZ

    FranZ franzonline.net

    You disappoint me Postwhore!
  5. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    post whore? not I!.... i've been out of the game for a while remember lol
  6. RedZedMikey

    RedZedMikey RZM should now be DZM

    Sure am! Here till Jan 10th. Made a parts delivery ex Melbourne to EvZ yesterday!!

    Be good to catch up for a meal or something with some of the guys I know - yourself, Dub, EvZ, and met some of the new crew. Max (MaxsZX) is now working over here but might not have net access, wanna get together with him before Jan 2nd when he goes back to work.

    Friday 29th is out, 'nutha bbq to go to.

    I will be going to the drags on Saturday ... nitro funny cars ... can't get a nitro fix in Victoria at the moment. I want a new rubber lining on the lungs and to get all teary with nitro fumes! If anyone else is up for that my mobile is 0419-582955.

    I'm watching the for sale Zed related to see if any Sandgropers are flogging any worthwhile Z stuff - and on that note, if anybody has contact details for T Diddy, I want to complete the purchase on his A pillar twin gauge pod ... no answers to PM/email since I got here, but this was pre-arranged.

    Cheers Mikey.

    By the way, if any WA members want orange forum stickers (official forum production) I have a few with me at the regular price of $10/pair - all proceeds directed back to Wykked.
  7. DUB

    DUB BRAMIS Photography

    BBQ's over at my house are pretty common Mikey, how about a late arvo around 5 ish, you pick the day and we'll see who we can get along? Just try to keep my kitchen implements out of your nose eh? :p
  8. RedZedMikey

    RedZedMikey RZM should now be DZM

    Sounds good to me Brad, I've got a couple of things to lock in dates for - are weekdays OK for you or weekends only?

    Cheers, Mikey.
  9. FranZ

    FranZ franzonline.net

    On ya Brad. Sounds like a plan.

    I'm catching up with Todd aka T Diddy this morning; I'll remember to get him to give you a call.
  10. Miksta

    Miksta M Spec

    Depending on the day

    I'd be keen for a BBQ boys, always like meeting other members from other states :)
  11. DUB

    DUB BRAMIS Photography

    Yeah weekdays shouldn't be a problem, might have to make it later start around 6pm so other members can make it after work though. I'm on hols til the 3rd and will be full on back at work when I go back, so as long as it isn't New Years Day (Perth Cup Smirnoff tent!:D) then all is good!

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