Rotary Z32

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Felix, May 14, 2008.

  1. Felix

    Felix Custom User

    I was just wondering, as a thought exercise...has anyone ever spoken of transplanting a FD RX-7 13B rotary into a Z32?

    Just interested coz it's just so different. A tiny, lightweight engine, tiny displacement, decent KW with turbos, and should be pretty good for modifying

    Is it possible, has it been done?
  2. rollin

    rollin First 9

    Rotary engines by nature are not really suited to heavier vehicles, not saying they dont make power, just that they are more suited to lighter cars
  3. Felix

    Felix Custom User

    ah fair enough.....twin turbo rotary 240z then? :p
  4. AndyMac

    AndyMac Better than you

  5. yellow_300zx

    yellow_300zx New Member

  6. r33k

    r33k 'I reek of Englishness'

    I'm sure the 26b Quad rotor engine is suited to a heavier car... especially when twin turbo'd... :D

    WOKBURNER Bringer of fun and mayhem

    20b Triple rotor turbo

    That would be the go for a Z32

    MattB:eek: :D
  8. rollin

    rollin First 9

    still no torque. like that bloke who did a SR20 in aZ32..............
  9. topher

    topher Banned

  10. rollin

    rollin First 9

    lol you're back!!!!
  11. NickTT

    NickTT L E X U S

    20btt in a zed would be mad. 224kw stock - comes out of a cosmo which isnt really light weight
  12. r33k

    r33k 'I reek of Englishness'

    i think rollin' is a rotary hater.

    (me too!) but they make huge power... - they also need an engine rebuild once a year, lol!!!
  13. yellow_300zx

    yellow_300zx New Member

    i dont get ur sig?.....i dont own a nerd? :S
  14. NickTT

    NickTT L E X U S

    so do z32's, lol!!!
  15. r33k

    r33k 'I reek of Englishness'

    ? they are reliable as! :D


    ZDUCTIV Active Member

    Seen a 20b in a 350z. Goes hard.

    Don't really see the point though. What are you trying to achieve?

    Being 'different' isn't a good reason to do anything.
  17. Felix

    Felix Custom User

    Nah not really trying to achieve anything, just wonder, because with all the talk of V8 or RB transplants, just wonder why people don't use Mazda's offering.

    Besides, for the cost of a 13B and then all the modifications needed, might as well just buy myself an was 2nd on my car choices... :p

    But nah..I like the grunty V6 of the Z
  18. akeizm

    akeizm New Member

    Look up Auxilary on He is putting a 13bt into a 240z. This is his site

    So many people don't understand rotarys thats why they have a bad image when it comes to reliability and torque.
  19. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Agreed. When I was looking around for my sports car the S5 RX7 was quite high on my list. I remember looking around at a import dealer (which had no rotaries, just the usual S13's R33's etc) and the sales guy said, nah don't get a rotary, you need to replace the pistons every 50,000k's :thumbup:

    Some people have no idea... After I'm finished with my Z I might get a Series 8 to play with.
  20. funkysi

    funkysi New Member

    It's just a shame that rotarys sound so bloody awful! I'd sooner have a that nice burble of a 6 cylinder than the whiney droan of a rotary.

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