Reserved parking and stupid students

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by p5yk3r, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. p5yk3r

    p5yk3r el8 haqur

    It's not often I post here, but today something happened that made me (and the z) very sad.
    So there's a limited number of bays in the Physics carpark at Curtin Uni, many of them reserved, and one of them reserved for me. Keep in mind that reserved bays cost 3x the amount of student bays (of which there are many, but require a 5 minute walk). As usual my bay is taken by an engineering student, so I park them in and leave a note with the phone number of the lab i'm in, only a couple of minutes away. After half an hour I get a call and go out and move the car for the student who says he is sorry and all is well.
    I then went out to get a meal and by the time I'd come back the bay was taken again, another engineering student, this time in a beaten up old Civic. Again I park them in and leave a note.
    No more than half an hour passes until I return to the car, theirs gone (as there is space to drive out instead of reversing out) but to my surprise they have kicked my side mirror off, right off, wire's snapped, then proceeded to throw it hard against the ground, cracking both the glass and the casing.
    Low and behold there's no security camera footage and I now have to drive a car home that is yellow-stickerable.
    I know there's some engineering students from Curtin on here, if you know this person in the white Civic, they should hope like hell they don't park there again... maybe don't tell them, it could be more fun.
  2. rob260

    rob260 Administrator Staff Member


    I would take some time off lab and go looking for that car....
  3. murci

    murci Member

    same time next week go on a hunt.
  4. p5yk3r

    p5yk3r el8 haqur

    I'll be camping out for sure, pitty the white Civic is such a common student car and I didn't record their plates as you don't expect people to do things like this.
    I must restrain myself from posting threats on the internet (especially since this isn't a honda civic forum) but those bastards will get what's coming to them.
    Autojigglers+sugar+civic mmm, got me thinking.
  5. 300ZXC


    I'll tell the police that you were with me the whole day.
  6. p5yk3r

    p5yk3r el8 haqur

    Hahaha :) Just flew out to Adelaide for a few beers.
  7. p5yk3r

    p5yk3r el8 haqur

    Drove around and checked all the carparks, looks like they went home : (
  8. Hyper101

    Hyper101 Well-Known Member

    How could you not see that coming ? Dont use your own car as a tool of vengeance..
  9. Jordz

    Jordz Fashionably Late

    what uni you at? Im relatively near by....

    That sucks dude, what a f*cking moron for taking your bay when he knows its resevered, and then getting pissy at you...
  10. Wrathlon

    Wrathlon Member

    Had a guy do this to my parking spot when I lived on uni campus back when I was at uni - parked his 3cyl Suzuki POS in my spot leaving me nowhere to park.

    So I got some mates to give me a hand and with about 6 of us we picked his car up and turned it sideways and moved it to an unused hallway. Front against one wall, back against the other, about 1cm of room to spare either end.

    I have no idea how he got it out, but **** that guy.
  11. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    please tell me one of you took a pic?
  12. Mr 0uch

    Mr 0uch Bare footed zman

    My mates n I did a similar thing to another mates mini haha :D
  13. lurker_nz

    lurker_nz New Member

    I always take a quick pic of the car on my cellphone showing the plate number in similar situations
  14. Mikey5555

    Mikey5555 Grid Runner

    If there is one thing I have ever learned about reserved parking, it's no matter how may signs there are, no matter how many notes you leave, people will always find a way to park there and always have some rubbish excuse to why they did...

    Although me and my boss tend to have a little fun if someone's parked out the back of work when we start at 7am, we box them in so they cant move 100%, and we stay there all day till 8pm, even if they come in and have a winge, we refuse to move them, we've had alot of fun and plenty of angry people with that :D

    Next time just take a photo, clamp it, and tow it, teach them a lesson
  15. SIM300


    Dude, if only you noted their rego!!!
  16. Romonski

    Romonski And Justice For All

    after my incident at uni when my z got scraped all the way down the side, whoever i park next to i always take pics of the license plates before i head to class. I believe u should do the same.
  17. Wrathlon

    Wrathlon Member

    We did take pics at the time but this was like 9 years ago so long since lost :(

    Was pretty ****ing funny though.
  18. whoppersandwich

    whoppersandwich Le Canon De Douche

    Thats dodgy as...

    At uni I made sure I had an untouchable car park setup, the whole front row was full of reserved spots, so between myself and my mate I had the zeds in a pretty secure spot. The only car that was allowed to park next to either of em was my mates wrx sti as the other side was the corner of that row, so i'd know who hit me if there was any problems, of course there weren't given hes not a retarded driver like 90% of the carpark users:rolleyes:

    Dodgy pic:

    Another thing about the corner carpark was it was pretty roomy so I could get lazy when parking the NA:p
  19. Madcow

    Madcow Active Member

    he will be back... when he does take a can of petrol and a match to it.
  20. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

    Clamp locks cost $150. Brand "klamp-it"

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