question about injector rails

Discussion in 'Technical' started by ryanlok15, Mar 31, 2011.

  1. ryanlok15

    ryanlok15 red zedder

    hi just wondering how long it will take to change over injector rails and if i should be bothered to change them to stock units or just upgrade it at the same time to an aftermarket looking at just getting the car moving at this stage.

  2. Mitch

    Mitch Has one gear: GO

    Depending on whether you have done a plenum pull before and the bypasses etc are in place, a plenum pull should take no longer than a few hrs. Injectors sit right below the plenum, and need minimal work to swap out once you reach this point.

    If you want to simply get the car back on the road, stick with stockers. Bigger injectors / aftermarket items are mainly for those chasing high HP (considerably more than stock).
    It might be a good idea to get the injectors ultrasonically cleaned / serviced, and you will need new O rings for install. make sure injector seats are clean, and use a lilttle gasolene to lubricate the O-rings during install.
  3. ryanlok15

    ryanlok15 red zedder

    dont mind doing a plenum pull once its down here...but whats puzzling me is, if the injectors have been upgraded and the rails installed incorrectly could this cause the rail to leak? such as a stuffing up the O rings

  4. Mitch

    Mitch Has one gear: GO

    They are not meant to leak. If they leak, they are installed incorrectly. Whether this is due to old age or upgraded injectors is anyones guess...
    Leaks can occur from the injector or rail to the outside, or within the injector into the manifold and combustion chamber.

    How about a quick rundown of the circumstances so that we know why you need to change injectors, and what your goals are with the car.
  5. ryanlok15

    ryanlok15 red zedder

    the car im looking at buying has a good platform of upgrades...was a project car and had had work done internally...forged internals etc (i haven't got the full comprehensive list as of yet), now he has stated it has upgraded injectors but stock rails which he stated "leaking badly" so i presume they were fitted incorrectly...obviously it will be something i change firstly but i have to get the car from NSW and i was hoping to get it to a dock as it would be cheaper option but if i cant get the car up and running it will have to be door to thats the whole scenario but i thinking, either get the rails replaced in NSW then sent to the dock or get the car sent to VIC and replace the rails myself for an extra $300-$400 (door-door)
  6. Mitch

    Mitch Has one gear: GO

    OK... If its had work, then I would assume incorrect installation. The fuel rail itself should be fine for that application, but still don't rule out leaks at the rail (input and output connections).

    You would really need to see the car to know where its leaking from. If its a split / loose hose then it could be as easy as tightening up a clamp. Otherwise, new O-rings and a plenum pull may get you by. Really need to know more about the car before you make the call on shipping it from a dock or getting it door to door.
  7. ryanlok15

    ryanlok15 red zedder

    if the car was here i would be able to determine whats wrong with it but it looks like ill have to wait for the guy to e-mail me more information about it...but it looks liek ill have to ship it door-door :(

  8. mholt

    mholt Member

    there are other seats in the part before the head that need to be changes as well the injectors sit in these need to be stiff new not old and soft and dont drive it if it is leaking fuel could burn whole car


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