*** Put AndyMac back in a Z32 Appeal

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by CHILI, Jan 22, 2007.

  1. Marklar

    Marklar gruntled

    Deposit made. I love this place :zlove: Such a great community to do something like this to help a fellow member
  2. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    anyone linked to the news industry?

    some one give today tonight a call for this shit..lol
  3. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    :D ahahah yer that would be awsome...we can always hope
  4. Wizard

    Wizard Kerb side Prophet

    That's not

    As silly as it sounds, good news/bad news story, right down Today / Tonights alley.
    would generate interest and maybe a few more donations towards getting Andy back into a Zed.
    here you go Chili, give them a call, you never know.

  5. MAT89Z

    MAT89Z New Member

    Donated $30, it's a pleasure to help get AndyMac back on the road.

  6. bion1c

    bion1c Z Slave

    that's actually a really good idea as there has been a serious amount of "hoon" related stories in the media recently

    (urgh i won't dwell on that or i'll get arc'ed up)

    anyway its not fashionable to portray "hoons" as anything other than 18 y/o maniacs intent on killing aussie battlers but you never know.. its the kind of story they might run on a slow news day.. and the results of increased exposure for andy would be fantastic..

  7. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted


    like the 7th good idea since ive been on here!!!


    oh and andy

  8. Zealous

    Zealous Ex - Zedder

    Im in Media, i have sent a few emails around to publications, Hot 4's etc. Thought about news, but havent as yet.
  9. Mr G

    Mr G Active Member

    I agree - actually not too bad an idea!

    and invite them around to the QLD AndyMac Fundraiser BBQ:


    Seriously, one of them is sure to consider it!
  10. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    well .. just do it ..!! an idea.. why leave it to to others

    .. heaps of noise and no action .. comme d'habitude ..??? ..:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

  11. scump

    scump John Dorian

    yeah they would be interested i think, well a car getting stolen and burnt they wouldnt give a damn...

    but a whole bunch of people, many of who have never met, alot whom have never even spoken to each other, lending a hand prepared to donate for a cause, and alot of people donating to a friend.

    new image for hoons? TT cars... your all hoons whether u know it or not.
  12. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    heaps of noise and no action.... why do you always talk about yourself... gets abit annoying
  13. sandeep

    sandeep Active Member

    If you're serious about the media coverage idea then we could get Chili to talk to the people at ACA and Today Tonight. They take suggestions over their websites and these kinds of stories would attract a large audience.

    Personally I believe this story deserves to be told as it has brought out the best in all of us. I've never met any of you but I still felt compelled to donate as I can understand the attachment Andy would have had to his car. Its a true display of the forum spirit.

    Here's the links to the TT and ACA story suggestion websites:
  14. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    Sent a message to Today Tonight, earlier today(although I feel it looks a bit like I'm trying to get myself a big pat on the back for all of this):eek::eek::eek:

    I think it would look better if it came from someone else, personally.:eek:

  15. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    ill take the credit for suggesting today tonight!


    Na seriously chilli its a great idea and you deserve it mate! good job son!

    bit of TV coverage might get you a root or 2 ;)
  16. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    Err...there will be another appeal to raise money for that.:eek::eek::eek::D:D:D:D

  17. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    Bigbaz says:
    your comment to chili about getting a root is so much funnier when you know what chili looks like
    Joshy boy - go the FALCON! says:
    lol ys that
    Joshy boy - go the FALCON! says:
    whats he look like
    Bigbaz says:
    he is like 60-70 years old
    Joshy boy - go the FALCON! says:
    Joshy boy - go the FALCON! says:

    bigbaz just sent me a pic chili...

    deposit made.... lol
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2007
  18. bigbaz

    bigbaz New Member

    Let the fundraiser begin
  19. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    Bigbaz is a f***wit. No one is happier than I, knowing that bigbaz finds me unattractive. That's worth a celebration all by itself.

    Never mind Baz, I'll be dead before too long(probably before you replace those stuffed tyres).
    Now how about we get this more serious thread back on topic?

    Last edited: Feb 2, 2007
  20. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    its more because for some reason i put you 20-25 years old sorta thing...

    yes back on topic

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