Passenger side turbo is failing

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Kabir, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. WazTTed

    WazTTed Grease Monkey

    why bother tho dude. in 4 months you will be pulling your engine !! doesnt seem worth it...
    at least take your dumps off and have a look before u jump 2 conclusions ...

    ps ..
    taking a 20+ year old turbo off a exhaust manifold and head is hard enough on a bench in the shed...

    think.. SEIZED CITY
  2. Chilledpain

    Chilledpain Z Reaper

    ahaha fair enough. Guess I've never tried! :) Will be trying this sat tho!
  3. Kabir

    Kabir Well-Known Member

    nah...even extra $100 can be spend for better new turbos. can wait.:)
  4. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    what are you doing this sat, are you also pulling turbos of your car?!?!
  5. Chilledpain

    Chilledpain Z Reaper

    Nah, pulling aidens old turbos off his engine :)
  6. Kabir

    Kabir Well-Known Member

    Very Weird

    Driving my Z for last three days and failed turbo started to work. Boosting upto 14psi in 3rd gear. Power is back and no strange noise from passenger side turbo. Not sure what the hell is going down there. Possibly my replacement engine is arrived and the old engine doesn't want to come out yet. Oh well, time to enjoy the ride until new turbos are ready....
  7. MickW

    MickW Carntry member...

    A guaranteed way to get any machine to start working properly is to let it see the replacement machine.
    ( works on women too ) :p
  8. Benny_C

    Benny_C About as subtle as...

    sounds like a sticky wastgate in that case.
  9. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    all that money spent on the 3.1 and now your other engines fine again.....hmmmm, that both sucks and is good at the same time!
  10. Kabir

    Kabir Well-Known Member

    I thoght so. But took the dump off few weeks ago and the actuator was moving fine. Did a hard drive today and still it is as good as last three days. Power is back...

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