OMG - I'm an idiot! Read the EBC instructions 15psi is brilliant fun

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Cool300ZX, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Cool300ZX

    Cool300ZX Tasmanian Zed

    OMG - I'm an idiot! Read the EBC instructions = 15psi = brilliant fun

    Hi all

    Let's get this out of the way first, I'm an idiot for not reading my profec A instruction book and research info.

    I've just spent the whole day at Powercruise Tassie with safety boost (EBC turned off so it was in Valet mode) because I did not read the instruction book to my Profec A EBC, albeit I still had a great day at powercruise.

    Decided to have another crack at setting my Profec A EBC last night and found the old deserted highway (new highway makes this the highway pretty much obsolete except for the occassional local)

    Last time I tried to set my profec A EBC (P1 mode) I only got 0.4 bar so pretty much safety boost, feeling very let down because I could not even get stock boost of 10psi and that's where I ended at P1 mode, pissed off with approx 7psi (NOTE: did not complete reading inmstructions and internet research). Hence, I spent all of yesterday at powercruise with safety boost/EBC turned off an in valet mode of 7psi but as mentioned still a mighty fine day was had.

    Last night decided to have another crack at this EBC so back onto the old highway.
    P1 mode run (3rd gear at WOT) back to 0.4bar ok next step as per instructions press power button twice and P2 pops up onto EBC display P2 what the hell was P2 mode?
    P2 mode run (3rd gear at WOT) mode and OMG... let me just say OH MY GOD zed hit a steady 15psi and the Zed felt like it was made to run at this boost. It sounded nicer, seemed to just travel along better and everything just seemed smoother.

    Note to self:
    READ the instruction book from start to finish NOT start to page 2
    I'll continue setting EBC later as I need to redo its electrical wiring and reposition it in the consol.

    Wow, if 15psi is brilliant what does bigger turbos and mod at 15+psi feel like although, for now 15psi (will wind EBC back to 14 - 14.5psi as safety buffer for engine). I'm happy witrh stock engine and stage 3 mods (I think stage 3 is stock turbos). Although, big psi must just feel brilliant I'm more than happy with my newly discovered psi.

    Hahaha, if only I had done this before powercruise, ah well, we live and learn to boost another day :)

    Cheers all, Pete
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2011
  2. geron

    geron National Petroleum Equipm

    Yep. at 15lb these things booggie hard.

    I backed mine back to approx. STD boost. Just treat it with respect so that you don't kill your self.

  3. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    Rtfm & rofl
  4. rollin

    rollin First 9

    i think a stock zed with 15 to 16psi is a freat street setup, i have many fond memories of my early zed ownership at that boost level
  5. Cool300ZX

    Cool300ZX Tasmanian Zed

    Yes, I'm looking forward to enjoying the extra boost. I plan on just easing myself into it so i don't do anything stupid like crash :eek:

    I know it's only 15psi to our Big psi boost members but it's a whole lot better than 10psi. I'm looking forward to a great street setup.

    I can also understand how easy it is to get caught in the bigger horse power addiction. I had not even made it home from the revelation of experiencing 15psi when i was thinking of what 20 or 30 psi would be like. All of a sudden 15psi just did not excite I wanted more!
    I'll NOT seek more power (for now) simply because I need to invest my funds elsewhere like our home renovations and my 15yr sons education.

    I have a planned body kit, engine pull for rebuilding and repaint in 3 years so I'll probably invest in bigger turbos, injectors, SMIC's and what ever else is needed then.

    Cheers, Pete
  6. 90TTZ

    90TTZ Back From The Dead

    Still remember the first time I screwed up the boost to 14PSI on stock motor, yes lots a fun :D

    Enjoy it while it lasts, pretty soon you'll want moar!!!!!
  7. stumagoo

    stumagoo Active Member

    awwww yes as per my sig.
  8. r33k

    r33k 'I reek of Englishness'

  9. Bob Lloyd-Jones

    Bob Lloyd-Jones Oldreverbob

    I hope your timeing & fuel maps are set right @ 15psi boost can lead to stuffed pistons.

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