ok this cant be good....(possible problem)

Discussion in 'Technical' started by chickenbum, May 3, 2004.

  1. chickenbum

    chickenbum New Member

    Hey guys
    you havent heard from me in a while coz all has been well
    at lunch today i popped my bonnet just to check my powersteer level.
    i looked at the two alloy pipes that connect to the front of the motor that come from the radiator.
    the lower hose had some green slime, not much but enough to notice, around where the metal hose clamp/ring goes on, it wasnt watery, but was very gummy like a glue or adhesive. there didnt appear to be any water leaking from there tho
    has anyone seen this green gum stuff, my guess it that something is crook in the pipe or the hose and is causing a slight amount of coolant to let go and its gumming up maybe??? the gum is thick and not watery at all.
    here is a pic i made to show where its coming from
    hope its not the beginnings of something bad
  2. Egg

    Egg ....

    Tighten the clamp, Jimmy. (n/m)

  3. chickenbum

    chickenbum New Member


    tightened it, it had a few turns in it, ill tighten some more when i go hiome tonight :)
  4. Egg

    Egg ....

    Two turns.

    Leave it... overtightening is a real problem and can pinch the hose. If it's only leaking a small amount of gummy coolant type mix two turn was probably more then enough. :)
  5. MaxsZX

    MaxsZX Active Member

    Jim, also if the hose is old and warn, you..

    can try to remove the hose, cut a small section out of it and tighten it again. The hose is pretty long so i dont think if you cut a bit off it wont go back on. Someone correct me if i'm wrong....Regards Max

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