Number plate fogging?

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by groonsnout, Mar 5, 2006.

  1. groonsnout

    groonsnout boost = horn

    So why do people do it? (photoshop/blur out their number plates in photos) I just don't get it. Are these the sort of people who have caller ID units at home and having silent phone numbers so the "bad people can't come and get them"?

    What info can you dig up from a plate other than... well not much unless you work for the RTA or similar..

    Confused.. :wacko:
  2. Z-ster

    Z-ster Active Member

    I do it because I'm embarrassed with my number plate :LOL:

    One of these days I'll change it.
  3. lysergic

    lysergic PWRTRIP

    Yeah i'm not too sure why.

    The only thing i can think of is people reporting your number plate to police for something you didn't do and getting hassles
  4. YeaPal

    YeaPal New Member

    Because police can find out everything via the rego plates.

    Add that to whatever mods you have listed in your profile or have mentioned on the forums = trouble.
  5. Senegade

    Senegade New Member

    It does also help protect your privacy

    There is a lot of crazy people out there :thumbsdown:
  6. jaybo

    jaybo New Member

    i do it because

    i do it moreso for the fact that people work out your number plate, recognise it somewhere and know you may have a sound system etc. installed in your car.

    i think people do it for the fact that if they post info up on their cars, its a way for thieves to look.
  7. henpecked

    henpecked very small member

    number plate Info

    In at least 2 state motor registries you were able [ as of 8 years ago] to get the presonal details of a car's owner, by paying a search fee.

    In one case I had to fill out a form and provide my personal identification, and explain that the car had been involved in an accident with mine, but that the driver had given me a false ID.

    I think that fogging out some one else's numberplates in your photos is just good [ choose a word - manners, - behaviour - respect - etiquette ] on your part.

    I don't post other people's phone numbers on the internet for exactly the same reasons.
  8. MickJ

    MickJ Member

    If you compete in any motor sport event and insurance company finds

    out you'll void your policy and they do look at car forums
  9. RedZedMikey

    RedZedMikey RZM should now be DZM

    Which is a very good reason to insure with Shannons ...

    ... hmmmmmm guess my avatar means I'm not particularly worried about the issue!

    XTREME ZX ZED Xtremist

    I think its out of common courtesy to blank out the plates of

    vehicles in the pics. I know that i would not want my plate shown without my permission. Further more, i wouldn't want anybody knowing what i have installed as extras. You can become a target that way i believe. Our cars attract alot of attention as it is. Imagine the boys in BLUE knowing exactly what you have under the hood. They have to do their job and i respect it. but we do it for the love and enthusiasm of a Z, not to prove a point.

  11. Cra-Z-Boy

    Cra-Z-Boy no nissan at all :(

    but who was the other gunman that shot JFK , its all a bit of a wank:LOL:
  12. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    I was the 2nd gunman on the Grassy Noel ;) :cool: Bang Bang!!!
  13. zx299

    zx299 Well-Known Member

    Haha. The grassy Noel, is that anything like the First Noel :LOL:
  14. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    A real WANK.

    You people must have serious issues with the plates being openly displayed on public roads.:wacko::wacko::wacko:

    If you're worried about weird people out there, let me tell you, most of the weird ones are already in here.:p:p:LOL::LOL::LOL:
  15. method

    method Active Member

    There are a number of reasons

    1. I know people who can get all your details from your rego, they don't work for VicRoads or anyone related to them.

    2. I don't want to have something nice installed into my car, some dick see it on here and see it parked somewhere knowing what sort of alarm etc you have from search or your details etc.

    3. There is a difference when driving around the streets, people can hardly ever remember your plates, or click an info button or a search button to find out what is inside your car.
  16. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    Fogging out numberplates

    I think the picture looks better when they are blurred out rather than a bunch of random letters/numbers. Slimline plates not so bad but the big ugly cheap tin ones with jumbo letters look better blurred out to take attention back to the car rather than some ugly jumbo letters.

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