Nearly got Killed last night, Stupid road rage people!

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Zzz (AKA ZzzZzzZzz), Jun 2, 2005.

  1. Zzz (AKA ZzzZzzZzz)

    Zzz (AKA ZzzZzzZzz) New Member

    I was driving back home with a mate last night and got caught behind a slow car (so my friend who was in the lane next to me) moved enough forward so I could get behind him.

    So as normal, check mirrors and blind-spot then change lane, then I hear this screeching behind me and this guy in a commadore wagon had nearly run me up the @ss. I was like damn, that dude must have been going at least 25 over the speed limit cause he wasn't in my blind spot 2 seconds ago and only missed by like a couple of centimeters.

    Then he is tailgating me something fierce and going the same way as me, funnly enough indicating after me every time. So of course I start getting a little sus, and when I got closer to home instead of going to my house like I normally do I took a different turn and went to this big car park where noone parks at night just to make sure that I wasn't just freaking out. He kept following me. So now I was offically freaked out and with a little home ground advantage, managed to find a park and hide in it long enough for him to do a couple of laps, figgure I got out and leave. But man I was freaked, all he would have had to do is park me in and I was screwed.

    So close call!:thumbsdown:

    I was just thinking about it though, can he call the cops with my rego number and make up some bulls#*@ story about me doing something illegal?

    cause from his other actions I reckon he was about ready to beat the daylight out of me.
  2. JETzx


    I doubt he would call the cops but if he did you would get a phone call

    from the cops, and all you have to tell them is this lunatic was following you. Next time if your worried that some guy is trying to kill you, then just drive to a local police station much safer for you. The guy would get a fright once he realises where your heading and will start wondering if he will get in trouble with what his doing. Theres only one incident i've ever heard of where a driver starts to nudge the car in front of him, and thats seriously taking things way too far.
  3. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    Same thing happened to me once

    almost got wiped out on my motorbike. Was in the righthand lane, checked behind me, it was all clear. 1 second after I was in the left lane, the car zoomed past me (thank god for Canberras wide roads) still in my lane and gave me the finger. It was an 80km/h speed zone and I figure he must have been doing over 120 or so. No wonder one second it was more than all clear, then the next second it wasn't!

    What I dont get about these people is they speed because they are in a 'hurry', but then they waste so much time following people they get pissed off at for no good reason, that had they just behaved normally they would get to their destination quicker.

    Some losers should never get licences
  4. XCRUZXx

    XCRUZXx The Flying Scotsman

    The stalker commodore

    What to do is always keep iron bar or something similar to deal with a head banger out to get you.Always had one in the car back when I was a bouncer or doorperson as there are called now,best place to hit shoulder,knee,knee would be my choice cause they can't run after you then.
  5. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

    Re: I doubt he would call the cops but if he did you would get a phone call

    I've been nudged by the car behind me b4, luckily it was at the toll booths at the gateway bridge (way b4 E-toll came of age), car full of hoons in a beat up toyota hilux, If I had a baseball bat in the car, I might have got out. Hard to get money in the toll basket, when the wanker behing is crashing into the back of ur car :( Lucky I had a tow bar back then so no damage.


    Back then the approach from the southside of the bridge was pretty pathetic (two lanes which spread out to about 6 booths, but not until you nearly got right to the bridge), anyway, he obviously was not happy with my speed, even though I was passing other cars in the left lane, there was no where for me to pull in to let him past.

    I suppose I could have got his rego, and pressed charges, but that would have been a waste of time IMHO. People like that usually get their come-uppance eventually.
  6. Noxter69

    Noxter69 New Member

    A not so obvious question...

    Where was your friend who let you in initially??? :unsure: In situations like these it's always a case of safety in numbers. :rolleyes: But at the end of the day tho, it's just not worth it. You mite get to where you're going a couple of minutes late but at least that's better than never. :thumbsup:
  7. Zzz (AKA ZzzZzzZzz)

    Zzz (AKA ZzzZzzZzz) New Member

    Mate didn't know

    He didn't actually see why I turned off early, so (as I was behind him) by the time I turned off he was past the turnoff anyway.

    It was a last minute plan to turn that way anyway, what I should have done was not gone anywhere near I lived but insted gone to the airport or something where there is a lot of people around (Canberra airport is only 5 minutes from where I live)
  8. Vincent

    Vincent New Member

    Next time just pull into the local cop-shop. That usually scares 'em away.

    WOKBURNER Bringer of fun and mayhem

    You need to do my trick for that shit, just find a block and keep going

    around it over and over. They get bored very quickly. Did it to the cops once (4 times same block), but they didnt think it was funny when I told them I was waiting for a chance to make a phone call, and to pull over but they were too close to me. All they said was smartarse and did a licence check.

  10. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    Need a HITMAN :cool: in your boot for these occasions. $5,000p/h covers it!
  11. Zzz (AKA ZzzZzzZzz)

    Zzz (AKA ZzzZzzZzz) New Member

    Ha! guess you just got me back for stealing the line for the frog post
  12. Gazza

    Gazza Active Member

    I had a similar problem recently (long but interesting)...

    ....Ive been driving long distances at night twice a week for uni, and the freaks that are out and about late at night on the highway are just rediculous.
    3 weeks ago I came upon a 4wd cruising at 90kph up the highway, so being in a double lane area I casually overtook it, but as I was going past he started speeding up. The overtaking lane was going to run out in another 500m so I just floored it enough to get ahead then eased off, not realising this guy was determined to stay ahead. So as I reach the merge area, said f#@ckwitt comes flying up and suddenly veers at me, running me onto the wrong side of the road!. I stomped on it and easily got away, but after that I had the freak right on my arse with high beams on.
    Id like to mention at this part of the story I was out in the middle of nowhere and feeling very threatened.... ...before I mention that I ended up hitting warp speed to escape with the hope that a cop car would see me so I could get some help with the freak.

    Anyway on tuesday night I was cruising home and came upon almost the same senario. Three cars doing 80 to 90 kph on the highway, so at the next overtake lane I started overtaking, following a 4wd past the slow car, then the 4wd finally and begrudgingly got out of the overtaking lane as I overtool it going up a steep hill that the fouby couldnt get to speed up. And wouldnt you know it, it was the same 4wd, and with my car having the illuminated rear panel it was like waving a red flag at a bull, and he was at it again(I only assume it was a he). So to stop the stupidity, I slowed when he started tailgating to allow him to overtake and hopefully piss off and leave at peace, but NOOO, mr spastic had to keep tailgating me (with high beams) and being a mooron. In the end I was going at 60kph in an overtake area and he still wouldnt leave me alone (this is about 5 minutes later for christ sakes), and in the mean time the slow cars that we had overtaken had caught up and were overtaking us!. This is when I said F*&k it and planted my foot on the brake bringing us to a stop in the middle of a highway, then with a smile absolutely planted the foot on the accelerator and showed him how pathetic his tank was. I overtook both cars again (trapping him behind them when he finally caught up to them) and kept going.
    Now heres the clincher, and I swear its true, When I reached the next town I turned up the first side street I came across and sat in the dark waiting to see if the freak was still chasing. Sure enough he arrived about a minute after I stopped showing that he was trying to catch up to me. As I watched I became alarmed when he turned up the deadend road I was parked on..... one with only about 10 houses on it. The dumb idiot lives on the road I was hidding on, and now I know where to find him. Anyway I completey freaked and as he came around the corner I was sitting on I started the zed and just gunned it down the road without my lights on, and as his lights finally hit my car, on went the highbeams and I managed to completely suprise the pr!ck before he got any smart idea's. I also got his number plate!. I havent decided what to do about it yet, but I have been toying with the idea of a chance meeting, involving me in my jacked up complete tank of a 4wd hilux and his pathetic brand new shiney tritons paint job and panels, some kind of low speed traffic accident that brings great ugliness to his pride and joy!.... either way, that idiot is busted!:cool:
  13. imma2r

    imma2r Member

    That is one hell of a story

    I guess you have two very juicy choices:

    1. report to this sick bstard to the cops (unlikely to result in anything)

    2. make use of the fact that you know where he lives

    Pls don't tell me this happened out on the freeway to UWS Macarthur.
  14. JETzx


    i remember this old game called destruction derby it was great ;)
  15. Gazza

    Gazza Active Member

    No, it was on the New England Highway
  16. SnaKe

    SnaKe New Member

    Re: i remember this old game called destruction derby it was great

    Ha! Destruction Derby i havnt heard of that game in about 10 years :D. Use to love smashing up cars in the big round arena, getting heaps of points if u spun another car 360!
  17. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon


    as a man, you know what you have to do.. mano e mano!
    drive that hilux so far up his ass with ur high beams on he wont forget it anytime soon

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