My wife's a kiwi so I'll post this....jokex(

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by entrancify, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. entrancify

    entrancify New Member

    > On a tour of NZ, the Pope took a couple of days off to visit the ocean for
    > some sightseeing. He was cruising along the beach in his car when there
    > a frantic commotion just off the shore.
    > A helpless man wearing a green and gold Aussie rugby jersey and hat was
    > struggling frantically to free himself from the jaws of a 25-foot shark.
    > As the Pope watched, horrified, a speedboat came racing up with three men
    > wearing black & white All Black jerseys.
    > One quickly fired a harpoon into the shark`s side. The other two reached
    > out and pulled the mauled, bleeding and semiconscious Aussie from the
    > water. Then, using long clubs, the three beat the shark to death and
    > it into the boat.
    > Immediately the Pope shouted and summoned them to the beach. "I give you
    > blessing for your brave actions," he told them. "I heard that there was
    > some bitter hatred between NZ and Australia, but now I have seen with my
    > own eyes that is not true."
    > When the Pope drove off, the harpooner asked his mates "Who was that?"
    > "It was the Pope," one replied. "He is in direct contact with God and has
    > access to all of God's wisdom."
    > "Well," the harpooner said "he may have access to God's wisdom but he
    > doesn't know diddly squat about shark the bait holding up
    > okay or do we need to get another one?
  2. TRX2NV

    TRX2NV New Member

    shoudlnt be funny but it is

    that was a good one but i shouldnt be laughing being an aussie,then again we'll flog the all blacks tomorrow night(i hope):YD
  3. MickJ

    MickJ Member

    Very funny wouldn't take much to edit this in favour

    of Aussies:D

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