Mandurah Foreshore car show

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by michandy, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. michandy

    michandy Active Member

    I know some of the W.A. guys are looking forward to the Mandurah foreshore car show this year. Unfortunately it is not being held anymore due to insurance costs and the Council not wanting the problems associated.
    Sorry guys, it was good while it lasted :(
  2. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    well that there is what, ZERO freaking car shows left in perth now lol.
  3. michandy

    michandy Active Member


    Insurance kills a lot of things these days :(.
    Oh well, we are going to have a tech/social day/weekend sometime in the next couple of months so we can all have a catch up then :zlove:
  4. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    i know that for a fact... each show'n'shine PSS did was a good $700 of insurance just to park cars

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