Limited boost

Discussion in 'Technical' started by spock, Apr 19, 2004.

  1. spock

    spock New Member

    My 1991 TT auto goes great when it is still fairly cool. But it seems to me that it does not boost fully when having been on a run for a hour or so. Is this my imagination or could there be some fault happening when the engine is hot. It will rev out fine but just does not seem to boost fully.Having it checked for a boost leak today or could the det sensor be at fault.Any suggestions appreciate.Thanks spock.

    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

    Do you have.....>>

    An accurate aftermarket boost gauge or is the feeling of being down on boost just a feeling? It could be that heat soak is effecting power and also possible that the car is triggering the detsensor and going into safety boost so while you are doing some tests try and ECU diagnostic.
  3. spock

    spock New Member

    Just a feeling

    Just a feeling at this time. Hopefuly will know more when I pick the car up in an hour or so. I am replacing engine mounts and gearbox mount, also fitting a uni filter. If they have time will get them to do a ECU check.Thanks for the advice.Regards spock
  4. 51yle300

    51yle300 New Member

    det sensor probably it happened to me (n/m)


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