in the market for a zx

Discussion in 'Technical' started by xplodzx, Jun 2, 2006.

  1. xplodzx

    xplodzx Member

    i was going to put this in the wanted to buy section, but it will probably get more traffic here, as people from the old server know my car got stolen ages ago, well it is finally being written off due to the engine damage and the price of the stereo that was stolen, so i am now back in the market for a good clean, prefferably modified zx, i have a decent amount of money coming back from the current one, so if any of you know where there is a good one for sale please let me know
  2. bigbaz

    bigbaz New Member

    You might get a bit better response if you are slightly more specific is 2 or 2+2 or no preference TT or NA any preffered colours Targa, Slick or Convertible manual or auto, etc otherwise either people will be unsure of whether to post or not... Just a thought


    Big Baz
  3. scump

    scump John Dorian

  4. xplodzx

    xplodzx Member

    i'm open to any suggestions aslong as it's a tt
  5. AndyMac

    AndyMac Better than you

    where abouts are you?

    mine will be f'sale in about 2 weeks, Sydney
  6. SIM300


    Nice to see you are looking at another 300ZX Ian...

    Good luck with your search, & keep me posted on you-know-what (if you can).


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