immobilizer issue

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Chris Power, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. Chris Power

    Chris Power New Member

    okay so my immobilizer got wet, smart move there on my behalf. but i thought that it might have just drained the battery as the light on the immobilizer was still coming on just quite dim, so i changed the battery, sure enough the LED lit up quite bright, but the problem i still face; It doesnt unlock, or mobilize my zed. so i cant start the damn thing.

    i dont have a spare either...

    any help is greatly appreciated, in the meantime i'll be catching the bus :(

    also... does anyone know much about button start kits? i've been looking into them and wondering if they'd be tricky to install in a zed or not, and whether or not they are good, cheers fellas :)
  2. stumagoo

    stumagoo Active Member

    There is a thread discussing the viability of a push button start. I too only have 1 immobilizer remote and am in the process of finding out just how I want to replace it.
  3. Chris Power

    Chris Power New Member

    Sweet! *hits the search button*

    alternatively i was going to use a spring button and missle switch on the dash. would be cool, but not as cool as a wireless button start... and security might be an issue...
  4. zed4life (

    zed4life ( Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    You can buy replacement immobiliser remotes

    usually on ebay or similar. Otherwise you'll have to bypass the immobiliser for now.
  5. aazn

    aazn New Member

    personally i would get a new alarm installed

    but if you really need the car now, just bypass the alarm.

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