I am Zed-less

Discussion in 'Technical' started by MexiCandu, Feb 23, 2007.

  1. Baron

    Baron Active Member

    That's bit of a bummer Cliff:( The planes in the paint shop at the moment, bare metal re-spray), if it's out before you go we should go for another jaunt:)
  2. red32

    red32 You talkin' to me?

    Qld's loss is Victoria's gain!
    And don't worry about the lack of a Zed... that doesn't change WHO you are. Looking forward to catching up again, Cliff.
  3. red32

    red32 You talkin' to me?

    Old Zed Farts Chapter...
    This could be the start of something big!

    Just imagine the get-togethers . . . racing each other in our customised walking-frames, gumming a well done lamb chop, comparing brands of hot chocolate drinks, reminiscing about contemporary politicians and trade unionists like "Pig-Iron" Bob, and Norm Gallagher (nothing to do with Oasis, just for you young fella's info), swapping blood-pressure tablets and arthritis pills... group discussions while frantically trying to remember everyones name, and why is the kettle boiling...

    Ooooh! The joy!

    Oops! Too much excitement... where's the oxygen... Urk! Chest pains... I'll just sit down for a while.... Oooh! My knee! Arrgh! The hip...

    I'm in!
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2007
  4. zed4life (zedcare.com)

    zed4life (zedcare.com) Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    Not another one biting the dust

    Sorry to hear you going mate. You've been a long time friend and support to the forum. all the best mate and hope to see you on here from time to time..

    I never tire of hearing how you rebuilt your entire engine from scratch with very little prior mechanical experience;)

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