How to take HICAS arms off hubs??

Discussion in 'Technical' started by zx4ben, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. zx4ben

    zx4ben Big Black Shiney Car

    Hi guys,

    I'm trying to dismantle the HICAS from the rear wheel hubs but can't get the bolt out. Do I have to hit is harder or am I missing something?


  2. maTTz

    maTTz 500 Club

    I suggest you take some pics of what you're doing, so u can be advised that ur trying to undo the correct parts.

    But yeah, i did that job a few weeks back, and mine was on tight. I had to WD40 it, and get onto it with some large adjustable spanners, pushed all the way on so that you get 4 faces connected

    | |

    like that

    thought i was going to round it but it ended up working
  3. rollin

    rollin First 9

    do you mean the tie rod ends?
  4. ports

    ports the pro

    Hey Ben just leave it in one piece and i'll dismantle it on the weekend.:cool:

    ZDUCTIV Active Member

    Loosen the lock nut under the rubber boot near the HICAS cylinder. Put vice grips on the inner tie rods (there is a flat piece) and twist them out of the rear suspension lower links. Take the assembly out as one piece. (Hicas power cylinder and both inner tie rods.)

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