highflow cats

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Edzx, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. Edzx

    Edzx New Member

    Thinking about buying some highflow cats, for my na z32. Is it worth it? Any idea on power gains. I already have a cat back exhaust system.

  2. WhiteNight

    WhiteNight Littering and...

    If the stock cats are hollow/blocked or mushed up it would be good maintenance to replace em.

    If they are still fine, you won't see really any more power.

    I had extractors and the cats and the cat back system done on an NA years ago. But not the front pipes. Don't recall why. But it had the same ballpark power as every other NA. Somewhere between 'soft' and 'I'm bored'.
  3. ProckyZ89

    ProckyZ89 Senior Member

    I went from
    200cpsi metal cats
    214rwkw @14psi same timing map etc
    Put on
    100cpsi ballastic racing cats
    217.8rwkw @14psi

    Metal cats were still fine as on- sold them.

    While difference was small, there was a difference. However wether attributed to the cats or maybe just a lucky 2 dyno runs.
    I can't say.
  4. rob260

    rob260 Administrator Staff Member

    Post both runs -
  5. ProckyZ89

    ProckyZ89 Senior Member

    Lol if you think I have these still than sadly I will dissapoint you,

    This was my old engine (years ago)

    I only have the before one I think somewhere
  6. rob260

    rob260 Administrator Staff Member


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