Discussion in 'Technical' started by Yellow_Z32, Mar 22, 2011.

  1. Yellow_Z32

    Yellow_Z32 Eddie

    Hey guys,

    I was just wondering whether it was possible to replace the bulbs for HID's as I feel they are too bright. I have the ballasts already installed obviously so is it a matter of just purchasing bulbs or do I have to different ballasts also. I'm not exactly sure what rating my current ones are as I didn't put them in the car so is there any way to tell? Sorry if these questions sound really stupid but I'm a bit of a noob. Cheers!
  2. tassuperkart

    tassuperkart Its a lie I tell you!

    Your going to have trouble dimming HID's M8.
    You can go to a higher colour temp, which will reduce the intensity a little and change the colour from bluish white to a sort of purply blue...kinda/sorta.

    Bottom line is if you want less brightness, then remove the HID's and retrofit crummy old halogens.

    Personally, i cannot see ever how you could ever have enough intensity in headlights let alone consider reducing intensity but its your call.......

  3. Stef

    Stef Active Member

    How could they be too bright ?

    Are they properly adjusted so they point in the right direction ? Blinding other cars ?

    I have some candle torches off horse drawn carriages from the 18 hundreds somewhere

    GOTTAGO New Member

    You can get just HID bulbs mate, go for the 6000k ones or the 4300k ones, Ebay
  5. tassuperkart

    tassuperkart Its a lie I tell you!

    He wants to DIM his globes M8, not brighten them.
    The LOWER the colour temp number, the BRIGHTER the actual light output of an HID.

  6. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    The best one for you would be 12000k as it is not as bright but still has the blue in it. It wasnt as bright as 6000k. Hope this helps, good luck.
  7. Black Beauty

    Black Beauty New Member

    Depends on the kit, do you have 35W or 55W?
  8. sandeep

    sandeep Active Member

    maybe you should check if you have a 35W or 55W kit installed. check the ballasts/globes for any tags with the wattage.
  9. Yellow_Z32

    Yellow_Z32 Eddie

    I can see that it's a 35W kit. I think I remember the mechanic saying that the right side headlight may be misaligned. I was thinking they were too bright but perhaps this is the problem. It's just that the other night a car in front of me was turning his hazards lights on and off as to say that I was blinding him. I guess I should fiddle around with the alignment. Thanks for the reponses!
  10. Anti

    Anti 14.7 x 14.7 = 44.1

    Go a 35 watt kit, anything from 4300-6000k and get a headlight alignment. You'll be right.
    lol are you kidding
  11. Rick300

    Rick300 Member

    I got 35watt 4.3k's and im content with em, but if i did it again i woulda gone 55w, not quiet bright enough for my liking.

    I wouldn't go changing em out just cause some guy (possibly on drugs) Flash's u cause HE consider's it to bright.

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