help with Ignition wires

Discussion in 'Technical' started by DeMoNiKZ, Jan 25, 2012.

  1. DeMoNiKZ

    DeMoNiKZ master of funk

    hey guys can someone please help I'm currently trying to install a moto sports type R/5 turbo timer and I'm lost for what the ignition barrel wire colours are, here's a pic of the turbo timer's wiring guide so far i have blue to blue, red to constant and the yellow i have no idea where it goes. I have tried the thick white wire and the black and white with no success, but there was power to the white nothing to the black and white.


    I have also put the handbrake wires to a earth as it says i can
  2. DeMoNiKZ

    DeMoNiKZ master of funk

    oh and if it helps i have a solid white, red/black,yellow/black, white/black and solid blue in a 91 auto tt.
  3. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    this is a colur wiring diagram
    emailed direct.


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