heater core bypass

Discussion in 'Technical' started by lago, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. lago

    lago New Member

    hey just after a tech article on the actual bypass itself
    couldnt find anything except replacing the heater core
    any steps on how 2 do this? need care back on road urgently
  2. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    It is covered numerous times on this forum(probably more than any other problem)so ALL the info is available using "SEARCH", however, a quick answer is that you need to use a piece of heater hose to join the two metal pipes at the centre rear of the engine(heater pipes attached to the engine, NOT the firewall), after disconnecting the original heater hoses from said pipes. This will give you a temporary "fix" until you replace the heater core.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2009
  3. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    As Chili has said + it makes no difference whether the bypass hose has full flow or is kinked and coolant cannot flow.
  4. ZedEx

    ZedEx Dr No

    ah I did not know that, interesting. Is this due to the flow of coolant through the engine? Would mean that one could bypass the heater core with one of the existing hoses.
  5. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    Yes, contrary to many early posts, heater flow is separate to main flow.
  6. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    And yes, the bypass can be accomplished using the longer of the two existing hoses(although many people disagree with this possibility)without any adverse effect.
  7. michandy

    michandy Active Member


    If you think about it, it is only logical as when the heater is turned of there is no flow through the lines anyway, with no adverse effect to the cooling of the engine.
  8. lago

    lago New Member

    ok i have the hose
    can anyone show a pick of the hoses that are to bypassed ?
  9. ZedEx

    ZedEx Dr No

    pretty simple really. Look down the back of your engine. There are only two hoses, right next to each other, going into the firewall (the big metal thing that is between the cabin and the engine). You're trying to connect the two metal pipes that AREN'T going into the firewall, ie the ones they're connected to via rubber tubes. You may need to move the loom a bit out the way if you have big hands (I had to, but I also had to replace the heater core etc)
  10. lago

    lago New Member

    do both the metal opening face towards the left when looking at the car from front on ?
    one of the hoses are on the left of the DET sensor connector ?
  11. ZedEx

    ZedEx Dr No

    Yes. Just look for coolant hoses going into the firewall (so it appears) and follow them back to the engine (not far)
  12. rockchucker

    rockchucker WTF???

    This is not rocket science. There are a total of two hoses. Remove the two hoses. Route the two together on the engine with one piece of hose. Leave the two that come from the Firewall alone.

  13. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    You and I may think that it's not rocket science, but given the fact that I already explained exactly what he needed to do(and where to find the pipes), apparently we're wrong!:p:rolleyes::zlove::zlove:

  14. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    So it doesn't bypass the turbo coolant feeds if you just loop them together?
  15. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    If the heater tap is in the OFF position then that is no different to "capping" both heater pipes(connecting a bypass hose is compromise to "capping").:zlove:
  16. lago

    lago New Member

    ok thats exactly what i did was just making sure
    chili when did i say you were wrong
    i was just verifying that i had done the right thing before i go and drive my car and **** up the engine if something incorrectly changed
    no need to get all defensive now
    i thought this forum's aim was to assist new drivers with problems on there car not to be criticized for asking questions...
  17. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    Get the chip off your shoulder mate, my reference to "being wrong" was relating to rockchucker's "rocket science" remark(not to you being wrong).

    BTW, my full explanation of how to do this bypass was provided to you 10 minutes after you posted the question.
    That doesn't sound like criticizing you for asking, does it(it sounds more like "assisting a new driver" to me)? :zlove:
  18. lago

    lago New Member

    lol i got no chip on my shoulder but i know exactly what u were saying
    u were relating to rockchuckers statements about rocket science and being wrong because of my questioning on the topic, as if i was trying to disprove your advice when in actual fact all i was doing was re-assuring the steps that had to be taken

    "You and I may think that it's not rocket science, but given the fact that I already explained exactly what he needed to do(and where to find the pipes), apparently we're wrong!"
    however chili i do appreciate ur quick response to my post and thanks for helping me get to the bottom of this
    anyways issues sorted and thankyou all u guys for your input
  19. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    LOL. I'm glad you got it fixed satisfactorily.

    BTW, if you had analyzed and interpreted the answer I gave you, as intensely as you did with my subsequent comment to the rockchucker suggestion, then all the rest of this thread would have been a wasted exercise(if you really needed re-assurance, K-zed provided that in the post immediately following my answer to you).:p

    Happy Motoring,

  20. lago

    lago New Member

    took the car for a drive....
    there is flow in my bypass hose :S:S
    this has a crimp in it and the cars temp gauge keeps rising
    why is there flow in the heater hoses when my heater is off ??

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