Headlight globes???

Discussion in 'Technical' started by entrancify, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. entrancify

    entrancify New Member

    Can anyone give me any hints as to which headlight globes are the best to fit??? I just replaced a halogen one and they don't seem that bright. I saw blue xenon ones ($40.00 pair) at the auto shop, do they fit....are these legal?:embarrassed:
  2. BigCol

    BigCol That's what she said...

    Don't waste your money...

    Go straight for Phillips globes (about $55 from Autobarn etc). They light up much brighter than Optiblue rubbish and they last MUCH longer.
  3. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target


    Yep! I agree 100%, the Philips globes are well worth the money.:thumbsup:
  4. BigCol

    BigCol That's what she said...

    Hey Lloyd,

    Do you have the 55w + 30% globes or the 100w?

    I'm running the 55w ones and I'm really happy but was thinking about upgrading in the future to the 100's.
  5. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target


    I have the same as you Col, 55W+30's:thumbsup:
  6. BigCol

    BigCol That's what she said...

    Do you think there would be issues in using them?

    I know the only is to really try them, but I'm worried about overloading the electrical wiring & also the heat inside the headlight enclosure.

    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

    I've had 100watt globes.....>>

    For a number of years now Col, and haven't melted anything.......yet.
  8. Sead

    Sead Hunter

    Same here!
  9. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    100W Globes

    Hi Col,
    I've been using 100W globes for over 4 years, without any heat or electrical worries. The only reason I am using 50W+30% Philips globes ATM, is because I blew a 100W globe and couldn't get a replacement. But having said that, I'm more than happy with the Philips units:thumbsup::thumbsup:
  10. erichns

    erichns S15

    Can you buy them off the shelf?

    Or I have to tinker with them a little first? I understand we use H3c types here. Can anyone give the actual serial number or name of the globes?
  11. WYKKED

    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

    Unfortunately the TECH section.....>>

    Is currently not accessable or you could read up on how to easily convert you car to accept H3 globes which are far easier to find. As for what serial number to ask for, just ask for a pair of H3C globes.
  12. WYKKED

    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

  13. Eval_Zead

    Eval_Zead New Member

    Headlite globes

    I did the tech article conversion (the 2nd one)
    an put in some 85w super whites, they are excellent
    if u have the time, patience, and want a wider selection of globes i recommended doing the modification

    otherwise i used navra 55w h3cs for a while, an there pretty good.. cheap as too
  14. MickJ

    MickJ Member

    I had 100watt globes no problem but tried 130watt and

    blew a relay so changed back:rolleyes:
  15. Gio

    Gio Member

    UK experience & pics

    Don't know about the legality about the globes (in UK-speak = bulbs") but we get fed up not being able to see in the dark, too. Especially because we get so much more of it than you lot. ;)

    Here is a UK thread on "globes" which has a few pics and links to various conversions from J spec (one of which may even have been lifted from here!)

    We have had a few horror stories of bulb holder melting with 100W. I tried 85W but they were only marginally better than OEM. I now have PIAA superwhite and hallelujah I can SEE again praise the lawd.

    One extra thing - I have an add-on bit of wiring loom (already there when I bought the car) which connects the headlights directly to the battery and only uses the original loom to activate a relay which feeds the new dedicated light loom. I was told that this gets round the voltage drop through the original loom (which gets worse as it gets older) so helps keep lots of lovely volts at the bulb where they're needed.

    But I've never seen this / had it confirmed anywhere else.

    Good day to you (as I believe you say down there :D )

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