hatch not releasing???

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by graham35, Mar 30, 2011.

  1. graham35

    graham35 New Member

    Hey guys just want to know if any has any ideas why my hatch doesn't release when the lever inside the car is pulled?

    Had a quick look and i'm guessing the spring in the locking mechanism should be strong enough to pop it up.

    It's a bit of a pita asking someone to lift it when the lever is pulled.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. murci

    murci Member

    There are adjusting points on the locking mechanism itself, have a look.
  3. Felix

    Felix Custom User

    Could this have anything to do with the cable that pulls the lever?

    I have the opposite problem, after i release the hatch it won't lock closed again unless I press the lever down (which opens the fuel cap)

    tried adjusting the latch to no avail
  4. ichizora

    ichizora Loud

    Solution to OP's problem is as murci said, undo the screws holding the boot latch in the boot and re-adjust until the hatch "pops" open by itself upon pulling the lever (it's not supposed to swing open).

    You've got a different problem there Felix... unscrew your boot latch and make sure the cable clips in where it should.
  5. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    as others have said, simply use the 3 bolts to adjust. play with them and you should have your problem fixed after 2-3 attempts
  6. graham35

    graham35 New Member

    Thanks to everyone for your help i'll have a go at it tomorrow
  7. BiGZ

    BiGZ Iridescent Member

    I tried all that with mine, what fixed it was a new pair of struts, made it pop nicely
  8. graham35

    graham35 New Member

    Fixed it today

    Moved the latch down 2 maybe 3mm.

    Just needed some tension on it so the latch releases but the seal i guess holds it up enough that the latch won't relock without pushing it down with a bit of force.

    Thanks guys

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