H1 HID Conversion (with images)

Discussion in 'Technical' started by BigBill, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. BigBill

    BigBill Member

    After searching the forums I found little information on how to convert the High Beam circuit to take HID globes. There was some mention of adapting the holder to take the new HID globes. I managed to source as pair of holders from the wreckers for $10 from a Nissan Silvia. I didn't want to take the risk of stuffing up the original ones in case I wrecked them.


    (The globes were free)

    A thread did mentioned to drill or ream out the holder internals, after removing some sort of sealing goop, that's what I did.


    After pulling out connectors, I used a rat tail file to clean up the holder.



    I fitted the HID globes and used super glue to hold them in place while the Silastic cured.


    Next, I'm of to Autobarn to buy a pair of triple jointed, backward turning hands with super flexible finger so I can put the globes in.

    I hope you fellow Zedders will find this of some assistance.
  2. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    How come you super glued the globe? Ive goten and installed quite of HID kits for myself and my friends...and like 3 of them have failed because of different conditions...so when you have to change the bulb wouldnt super glueing be a bad thing?

    Thanks for the detailed information and pics :)

  3. BigBill

    BigBill Member

    H1 HID Conversion

    Hi Abraham

    The reason I used super glue was just as a temporary method to hold the globes in the holder will the silastic cured.

    Cheers Bill
  4. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    Cool. Did you drop the bumper to take the headlights off to do them?


    DJHZEX New Member

    No need can take the headlights off from inside the nose panel and wheel well access :zlove:
  6. BigBill

    BigBill Member

    Didn't need to drop the bumper. Mounted the ballast under the nose piece. The cables reached (just). Was a Telecom Tech in a previous life and am used to getting cables through tight places, and the Zed has a lot of them
  7. CARZ

    CARZ Member

  8. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    Very nicely put together. Well done. Thanks :)
  9. BigBill

    BigBill Member

    Thanks for the positive feedback guys (and girls?). They are all installed now and can vaporise kangaroos at 100 metres.
    The drivers side was easy. The passenger's side took me two days to nut out. The ballast had black can half way up the HV lead. Had to remove the top radiator mounts to allow enough room the wiggle the bloody thing through the gap.
  10. beaver

    beaver southern zeds


    for posting that up BB, it should be clear to everyone now including me how to go about the conversion. :cool:
  11. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    Tech section!!! :)

  12. BigBill

    BigBill Member

    If the Adminstrator want to put this into the Tech Section, I would be honoured.

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