got pulled over at mountain highway last night .......

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Nt, Sep 19, 2004.

  1. Nt

    Nt New Member

    i was pulled over yesterday with 5 other friends in 5 cars ......we were about to have a ride at tourist road and mountain highway //// when 3 cop patrol cars pulled us over .......
    when i asked for the reasons they said its because the guys are drifting on mt dan and they thought we are 1 of them ....
    i mean we r driving WRX, echo,300zx, 206... none of us are silvia.. son fa bitch cops just defected my friend's wrx about the computer and EPA test required...
    and fined me for not having 'P' plates .............
    that's my first time ever being pulled over and fined .............
    i wish those guys are the ones being pulled over .......
  2. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    I thought you were trying to swap your Zed for a Honda Civic??
  3. FranZ


    Its always the way...

    ..driving a Jap car automatically puts you in the same category as the worst of all Silvia drivers. *sigh*

    If the cops knew where the guys were drifting, why didn't they go there and bust em?

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