Discussion in 'Technical' started by WOKBURNER, Sep 8, 2006.


    WOKBURNER Bringer of fun and mayhem

    Here's one for the TECH Section guys. This is how you mod modify a TT Power Steering Pump so that you can continue to use it once the Hicas rear steering unit and all the line have been removed.

    Quite easy really.

    1. Remove viscous fan, shroud, drive belts, drain radiator and remove.
    2. Remove alternator.
    3. Undo bottom pressure hose and drain PS fluid from pump.
    4. Disconnect hoses from power steering pump.
    5. Remove PS pump.
    6. Once out of the car give the pump a wash down in some parts wash or some petrol. Use an old tooth brush and small paint brush to remove any build up gunk.
    7. Where the rear pressure hose comes out of the rear pump orrifice (yes thats what the factory call it) if you put a screw driver in there you will notice a small piston and spring. Remove these and leave them out.
    Use the original bolt to fix the hose back in when you put it all back in the car all 3 bits are in the next pic.
    8. Remove the old Hicas soleniod and the associated lines from the engine bay. It will look like this. You can now remove all the ones that run to the rear of the can also.
    9. Now its time to modify the old pressure hose that used to from the rear of the PS pump to the Hicas solenoid. This is the one, we will use it to reroute the fluid back to the reservior so it recirculates fluid through the rear orrifice.
    Take this hose and cut the end off, leave some room on the end to clamp the return line/hose to the reservoir. (this is the point of no return - LOL)
    10. Clean the end off and use a small bit of power steering hose to connect this cut off bit back to the reservior. You can see it in the bottom left of this next pic. A flare on this end will be nice. I will take it to a brake repair place soon. I have used 2 small hose clamps on this for security but it works fine.
    11. Put it all back in the car, pump, alternator, belts, fan etc. Take your time and do it piece by piece so you dont forget to tighten things.
    12. Fill the PS reservior up with fluid and off you go.
    13. Enjoy not having all that extra crap in your engine bay, doesnt it look good to.


    ZDUCTIV Active Member


    Nice work.
  3. maTTz

    maTTz 500 Club

    Great work man!!!

    I'll be doing this very soon!!! :D

  4. Baron

    Baron Active Member

    Excellent post, but WTF is growing on your P/S reserviour?:D
  5. ports

    ports the pro

    Well done Matt, as I have done something almost identicle, the only difference
    is that I have plugged both the pump and the reservoir. My question is by removing the piston
    from the pump, does this releave the pressure from the line that you return to the reservoir?
    Also, do you think that it may be worth running that return line through a oil cooler
    on it's wat back to the reservoir? :cool:

    WOKBURNER Bringer of fun and mayhem

    LOL thats a tennis wrist band - Courtesy of the wizard!

    It helps collect any spilling fluid while on the track from heavy cornering! Wizard had them left over from his John Macinroe days, :p LOL It bloody works though. Got a clean one somewhere,

  7. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    Added to Tech A-Z Index

  8. blackheartedprofit

    blackheartedprofit New Member

    hicas removal

    hi Wokburner,
    with this i am assuming you have already installed that hicas locking bar? and when you do this does the hicas light in the dash come on because the computer can't sense it?, or does it just not register anything because everything is unplugged and what did you do with all the wiring?, just tape it together and put it out of the way?
  9. WazTTed

    WazTTed Grease Monkey

    another resurection post here. just wondering is it only the main bolt (behind the pulley)that holds the ps pump in. i will be doing the ps TT mod this week
  10. Clara

    Clara New Member

    ok ok i know i'm probably going to look really stoopid but why remove the HICAS? i can understand the weight thing, but does the steering affect the traction because its rwd and would it improve performance/handling enough to warrant taking it out?

    *waiver* if i just didn't make any sense and i said stuff completely unrelated to what is being discussed, you all saw nothing, i didn't post anything, nothing being said here, move along.
  11. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    you don't look stupid, stoopid whatever lol but i would like to know that too. and also is there any difference between having and not having hicas
  12. WYKKED

    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

    I hate to say it, but........use the search function. There was a recent lengthy discussion all about the pros/cons of HICAS removal so start your quest for knowledge with a read through that.
  13. Clara

    Clara New Member

    haha point taken and i have read that lengthy discussion (now that i found it) i looked through the tech section first time, but its left me more confused than anything ... i'll have to read through everything until i become more knowledgeable then there won't be any need to ask questions! and then i'll be able to sit back and get frustrated at lazy or dumb ppl who didn't do their research before asking elementary questions :rolleyes:
  14. WYKKED

    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

    Research should just help you to ask more specific and direct questions, if it doesn't already answer them for you.
  15. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    lol yer point taken but for car illiterates/ retards likes myself :rolleyes: i got lost very quickly too lol
  16. maTTz

    maTTz 500 Club

    I was looking for this one in the tech section and didn't find it. Looked under Hicas - not there; and looked under Power steering pump - there's no such category...

    did it get removed somehow? :) if so, please re-instate! :zlove:
  17. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    It's in the Tech Section under Power Steering Pump Modification / HICAS removal


    Are you guys doing this because you can't find a N/A pump? or because its cheaper?

    Seems a lot of trouble and stuffing around with the tt pump and still have the extra weight at the front
  19. beaver

    beaver southern zeds

    Its easier

    than changing to a na pump, and there's no extra parts to buy, pump, brackets, fluid res, ect. Some say the steering felt heavy after moding the tt pump, I didn't notice it!
  20. r33k

    r33k 'I reek of Englishness'

    Can't find it in the A-Z???

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