Ganador Super Mirrors

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by misszen, Sep 4, 2011.

  1. Chad_

    Chad_ Well-Known Member

    dunno just saw a few for sale ads via search selling copies for 320...

    mine are 2nd hand but they look like they have the z32 specific fittings etc...
  2. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    Chad can you pm me your number and ill msg you...

  3. misszen

    misszen Red ones go faster!

    Super Ganadors price

    Super Ganadors are worth between $600 - $700 from japan (without postage etc)

    There are many imitations around that have smaller fittings (US models) and dont fit - If they bolt on - then they are worth something - if they dont bolt on to an AUS/JAP Z32 they are useless here in general

    Post a pic with size ref - if in doubt
  4. Chad_

    Chad_ Well-Known Member

    ye these are not original super ganadors, theyd be copies. i think ill take them to a mates place with a spare wreck door and see if they specifically fit on our doors..
  5. kiff

    kiff Member

    Gday!! you just got to look at them to see if they fit or not as there is a big difference in the baseplate size if you got your z there just put it near it! :zlove:

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