Full side vinyl decals

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by ice, May 20, 2009.

  1. ice

    ice ice maaaaaaan

    yeah im concidering the rice up....and the vynal....but still unsure...

    its not to bad really. Getting decal shipped from USA for total 120$ AUD for 2 sides delivered to my door.....see how we go.

    Im not a fan of numbers/car logo/model names down my car. Shopping list....donno not a big fan.
  2. ZEX300

    ZEX300 slick spec

    haha i was thinking the same thing.. rhyboy is off his head
  3. ZedEx

    ZedEx Dr No

    OFF TAP! Haha
  4. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    memories live on big bear :D
  5. rhy_boy1

    rhy_boy1 New Member

    1. I wouldnt mind a vinyl that was fitted for a 300ZX so it didnt wrap around or have to be cut up.
    Not gonna get a H3 side vinyl and try fitting it to the Z you twats...

    2. I dont like vinyls that advertise what kinda of car you drive, such as "300ZX" on a 300zx, "Laser" on a Laser or "4X4" on a 4X4.
    Didnt think it was that hard to understand.

    3. I hate my VS front bar.

    Gawd your a bitch ay, doesnt matter what I say or how I say you, you have a little cry about it.
  6. TQE-756

    TQE-756 Active Member

    Yeah smarty... how huh??
    You can only get so much from driftin' and near missesses..!!
  7. michandy

    michandy Active Member

    I had

    I had a dragon on mine for a while, Fitted myself as I liked the idea of vinyls, but was'nt quite right. If the right vinyl was there it could look quite good. was thinking of getting shadow style flames on my black one when my sister gets good enough with her airbrushing to do it for me. any mods you do to your zed are personal taste and should be left to the owner to decide on what he/she wants. just my two cents worth.
  8. ZedEx

    ZedEx Dr No

    I think you have my emotions completely mixed up 'ay'. Everytime I read something you write, I don't have a 'little cry' I piss myself laughing. PMSL, if you will.

  9. t200

    t200 New Member

    If your in canberra and you want custom made decals, check out AO Graphics (google it).

    He is one of my mates and has his GTR decked out in vinyls with samples if you want to see his work first hand.

    He will also apply/ remove the vinyl if you ask nicely...Highly recommended:zlove::zlove:
  10. jschrauwen

    jschrauwen My Fairlady Z

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