'Fight The Power'

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by WA300Z, Mar 9, 2007.

  1. WA300Z

    WA300Z ZD32WA

    Found the following links in one of my Autosalon magazines, they may or may not be useful. Just thought I'll let you know. :)


    'Although it has been up and running for a short amount of time, FightFines is gaining huge momentum by giving you no bullshit facts, arguments and defenses to help you beat that speeding ticket.'


    'For those that can't afford satellite navigation systems yet, this little beauty allows you to search for an array of cameras in whatever area you desire, and the results are displayed on an easy to read map.'


    'A website that is grounded in statistics and facts. Roadsense establishes a well founded argument as to speed cameras. A must read.'


    'If you're earned a traffic infringement and need help from some keyboard warriors, this is the place to go. This ever growing forum allows motorists to seek advise and is frequented by lawyers to provide some much needed advise and help.'


    'From locations, trends and worldwide media this jam-packed Australian based portal focuses on all things speed cameras. The site scours the globe for all speed camera related media and packages it in one neat package.'
  2. JamesZX

    JamesZX POZEST

    some of those sites are going to be pretty helpful lol :p :D thank U!!
  3. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    3rd link, 'roadsense' tells the story!
  4. sandeep

    sandeep Active Member

    Yeah I remember roadsense. Used that site back when I was in year 12 doing my English SAC. Convinced everyone in the room that speed cameras were evil.

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