expert opinions needed

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by cappa08, Apr 17, 2010.

  1. cappa08

    cappa08 New Member

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  2. Hermit

    Hermit Member

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    I would keep saving. will cost you alot more in the long run.
  3. rishwin

    rishwin Mother Führer

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    Buying a cheap zed is just like buying a bung-up 90 year old property. Sure it's cheap to buy, but once you get it up to scratch to actually be able to use it, you've gone way past the cost of if you had bought a decent one to begin with.

    They may say it's fine, but after a while you'll find things that need to be done. Also you will be hard-pressed to find a Zed with true Km's on the clock, so there's a chance that it may have done upwards of 400,000kms instead.

    I bought my Zed for $9,000 and there wasn't a thing wrong with it. 12 months later, I had spent about $5,000 simply on repairs and things that needed replacing.
  4. zed4life (

    zed4life ( Ω vicarious zedder Ω

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    zeds are cheap to buy but expensive to own. You may get lucky but best to find one with a known service history and pay a bit more (buy from this forum so you can search past posts from the owner).

    $5K entry point sounds cheap but a rebuilt engine ~ $5-6K stock, gearbox $2-2.5K. If the engine is good, you still have the 100K service and plenum pull as must-do's. Factor these in as worst case scenarios. So if you cannot afford to outlay a potential (worst case) scenario of approx $13-14K over the next year or two don't buy!!!
  5. a2zed

    a2zed Guest

    For 5k it is definitely worth a look. 290k is average kilometers for a 1990 auspec. If it has had regular maintenance, there is no reason to expect an engine rebuild in the near future. Auto transmissions are always a gamble, just pay close attention to how it changes gears compared to others you have driven. Overall the cars presents quite well. It is unmodified aswell which is a plus imho.

    Our own 1990 auspec, exactly the same as this one with 280k, is streets ahead of 90% of the imports getting around. Expect to do things like the 100k, plenum pull and replace the usual connectors, you will have to do this on most 300zx's you buy anyway. Just because a car is twice the price doesn't make it any better.
  6. mr zed x

    mr zed x chassis scrubbin..

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    whilst i do agree a cheap zed = alot of money.
    i would still check it out. fairly cheap and doenst look to bad in the pics.

    cant see ive seen it around, but be prepared to spend almost what you pay for it on it again to have her right if it goes wrong.

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