Exhaust rattling like a..

Discussion in 'Technical' started by matthew300zx, Oct 24, 2009.

  1. matthew300zx

    matthew300zx New Member


    that's right, it rattles hard out.

    as a not very smart car person, how do i fix this problem? it used to have a nice growl.. now it's like a chainsaw ripping through sheet metal..
  2. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    catalytic convertors may have collapsed, try shaking the exhaust with the car not running and listen to where in the piping it appears to be coming from, and even try gently tapping the cats from underneath to try and diagnose....
  3. matthew300zx

    matthew300zx New Member

    well that doesn't seem to be the problem.. could it be anything else?
  4. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    Put up on a hoist and check it out with car running.
    A/c idler pulley can rattle if fubar'd.
  5. fuzz300

    fuzz300 Member

    can also be a manifold gasket. But that would sound like its coming from the back of the engine / underneath the car...
  6. vadim

    vadim New Member

    I had a similar problem sometime after replace mufflers. On cold engine it was O.K. when exhaust got hotter it started to rattle, especially in hot day.
    the problem was in settings and in thick robber O-rings holding a muffler and exhaust pipes.

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