Electric GURU assistance requires. I got an Led Strip with 12 LED light on it.

Discussion in 'Technical' started by BurgerZ, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. angrybear

    angrybear Moderator

    Mr Burger, you are off with the fairies here. You have bought a 12V LED strip so they come with the limiting resistors inbuilt. You should have to do nothing more than connect them up to the nearest 12V source.

    The fog light sockets aren't 14V - where did you get that from? The car is nominally a 12V system, and a good battery should have a static charge of 12.6V. However, with the engine on and the alternator in good shape, the whole car will have up to 14.2V running through it while driving.

    There aren't any parts of a car that are so voltage sensitive to be bothered by that extra voltage, and that should include your 12V LED strips. Something is going wrong with them after you install them. Could even be rain, or the sun might be cooking them.

    Why don't you wire a set up to your cigarette lighter and leave them lying around somewhere in the car. If the assembly quality of the strips is anywhere decent, they should last for the expected 100,000 hours.

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