Dolphin massacre in Japan

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by RedTT, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. RedTT

    RedTT New Member

  2. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    Saw this...

    Just watched this morning.

    Such a disturbing video.... :( Very sad indeeed.

    Shame we can't do more to prevent it.

  3. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    Yeah, I hate how Japan and Iceland just thumb their nose at international laws like that (whaling and all). Makes me damn pissed off at them to be honest. Especially when they try to pass it off as "scientific research"

    I even heard in Japan they were giving out whale meat burgers to school kids to try to get the meat accepted as part of the "culture".
  4. cherryZ

    cherryZ Truth Addict

    Couldn't bring myself to view the footage... but i've read about the horrible goings on and so I gladly signed the petition.... certainly makes me wonder if perhaps my tourist dollars are better spent elsewhere? (was looking forward to the snow season there in 08 :D )
  5. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    this pisses me off, would love to just rock up there with the authority to bust these assholes heads in and throw them into the sea.

    signed the petition and in 1 minute 50-100 or so more were signed, was reading through alot of them, seems to have made its origines in portugal, and made its way around the globe..
  6. sandeep

    sandeep Active Member

    I'm number 817,921 to sign up.
    That Video's pretty bad. Its alot worse than the stuff that they actually show on TV.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2007
  7. markga

    markga Member

    Japan and international laws.

    They dont seem to be able to stick to laws/rules look at the way they treated prisoners of war during world war 2.

    Scientific reseach yeah right!! Shouldnt have stopped at 2 nukes on them.

  8. cjhooka

    cjhooka New Member

    ah well what can u do.

    markga u gonna get flamed up to the max for saying that...
    anyway b good if some rich person brought a sub and went and shot their boats out the water. sif eat a dolphin anyway lol, strange world
  9. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    There's alot of debate on whether they should have been nuked. But your dead on with their treatment of POW's. Make's what the US are doing in Iraq look downright civil.
  10. sandeep

    sandeep Active Member

    But If they had wiped out the whole population of Japan would we have the 300zx? Its a catch 22.
    You would think that in a country of a large population that there would be a portion of the country that was in opposition to the whaling and killing of Dolphins. Its just that these people would be so little in number and have very little chance of making a difference when the Government itself if not condemning Whaling.
    I still can't understand how they can flaunt International laws and continue to get away with it.
  11. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    Who's going to go against japan with trade sanctions? I know Aust has some sort of FTA with them I think.
  12. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    i signed it too...... that is just fuc*king sick, that video was so disturbing. the way they just gutter them while still alive helpless on the cement, and to make it worse and to show their disregard for humanness they pull the living thing behind truck along the road :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: NOT HAPPY JAPAN
  13. mmmdreg

    mmmdreg Member

    Yeah mark.. I don't think you can blame a whole country for the actions or non-actions of the government. Furthermore, while this is quite disturbing and clearly not one of the best images of Japan, you can't judge an entire nation on one event (or events which all revolve around the same thing). Japan is very modern in some respects while very traditionall in others. While this dolphin thing may be ocurring, in time it'll die out as it becomes less of the culture in those parts.

    And I completely agree with sandeep.. where would the 300zx be without Japan! =)
  14. EvZ

    EvZ 1BAD300

    Horrible images. I wonder what our abattoirs look like though? We eat meat all of the time and we don't think about where that comes from. Dolphins are cute and smarter than a cow so how do we decide what is OK to kill and how to kill it?

    Vegie pattie for me tonight. :(
  15. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    It's also how they are killed. Cows are given a bolt of electricity through the neck or head from what I've heard to stun them first so it's like BOOM...dead. Did you watch how those dolphins were killed? Dragged along a bitchumen road and then throat cut AFTER being hooked and speared while in the water.

    We even have guidelines on humane killing of cows etc:

    In Japan it appears as long as their dead that's good enough.
  16. sandeep

    sandeep Active Member

    Already another 2,000 signatures in an hour and a half. I hope that the Japanese Government takes it seriously although I'm pretty sure they won't. Its sad that with all the opposition to whaling that they still go ahead and do it just to fill their appetites. Even though we kill animals for our food, I doubt that it would be as inhumane as the way in which those Dolphins were killed.

    On a lighter note, who want to start a petition against second most disgusting creation. VTEC? ;)
  17. mmmdreg

    mmmdreg Member

    I'm not supporting this at all.. I wouldn't touch dolphin even though I'm comfortable with strange foods.. i guess because they're such intelligent creatures, it's not really fair to them.. but...

    Regarding other animals at the slaughterhouse, they know they're lined up ready to die so it's not much better..
  18. Mr G

    Mr G Active Member

    I stopped watching

    when he stuck the knife in the live dolphin. Then I signed the petition. Number 820952.

    I love the Japanese culture - visited Japan in 2005 and loved the place. But things like that are just sick.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2007
  19. SIM300


    And we wonder why the world is turning to sh!t...

    I'm as sad as I am angry when I see things like this :( :mad:
  20. MikeH

    MikeH smeg

    the bolt doesn't always work, heard on a report recently that they're sometimes skinned alive.

    but that's just the process of killing, I'd rather a slow painful death than be couped up like our pigs and chickens are for their entire life.

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