Does anyone no any good mechanics on the GC

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by FlemmingC, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. FlemmingC

    FlemmingC Member

    Hey just wondering if anyone no's any good mechanics on the gold coast that could do a 100 000km service on either the 300zx and/or a toyota aristo.
  2. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Gavin Woods should be able to fix you up.
    FlemmingC likes this.
  3. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius


    Gold Coast MOBILE Auto Care

    4/23 Brendan Drive Nerang

    5502 2000

    One of the ORIGINAL Zed mechanics who left Gavin Woods... Brett.

    Best Zed Mechanic on the coast in my opinion.

  4. jet power

    jet power New Member

    I agree with Fate

    Brett did my first zed's 100k service when working for Gavin Wood and absolutley no probs. Hell of a nice guy and seemed genuinely interested in doing the work :). Brett's former boss seems more interested in tuning big HP Skylines these days.
  5. MAX

    MAX Ex Zedder

    I've never had a problem more recently having work done there...
    Where did Brett go? Lets chase him down, he can start up with A2Z in archefield.:p
  6. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    As stated above Max, He is now running Gold Coast mobile Auto Care.

    Great bloke. Explains exactly what is going on and calls if there is a problem.


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